Wednesday, June 12, 2024

RNS Morning Report: At second-ever global convening, Zoroastrian youth seek a more connected future

RNS Morning Report

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At second-ever global convening, Zoroastrian youth seek a more connected future

(RNS) — Youth from the ancient faith campaigned to fund an interfaith center in England to promote the goals of inclusivity and interorganizational communication. 

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage passes through Washington, draws fervent Catholics

WASHINGTON (RNS) — In Brookland, the Catholic crowd of more than 1,200 were fervent about their faith, but it remains to be seen if the evangelizing project will reach beyond those already committed.

Mike Pence speaks about politics, prayer to Southern Baptists at Indy event

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — ‘I honestly think we haven't come to the end of the debate over life: We've come to the end of the beginning,’ Pence said.

Vatican convenes astrophysicists to discuss black holes, quantum theory

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — ‘We think we have put together a dream team,’ said organizers of the event, which hopes to reconcile quantum theory and cosmology.

RNS Opinion

Catholics could decide the 2024 election

(RNS) — Catholics are a good weathervane for how the country will vote: If you win Catholics, you likely win the country.

Netanyahu, an accused criminal at the Hague, becomes an invited guest in Washington

(RNS) — The fiction of a post-World War II Western rules-based, values-based world order is dead.


New Jersey bill allowing standalone crematories could benefit Hindu funeral rituals

(RNS) — Hindu advocates hope the new bill would better fit the spiritual needs of a community that largely cremates its dead.

Tony Evans says he is ‘stepping away’ from leading Dallas megachurch due to ‘sin’

(RNS) — ‘I am stepping away from my pastoral duties and am submitting to a healing and restoration process established by the elders,’ Evans said in a statement.

In Other News


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