Thursday, June 6, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Religious groups think Trump’s actions immoral in hush money case

RNS Morning Report

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Poll: Religious groups think Trump’s actions immoral in hush money case, split on whether he broke the law

(RNS) — A survey indicates while many believe Trump’s behavior has been immoral, it may not sway how people vote in November.

Child education viral star ‘Ms. Rachel’ sparks conservative backlash with Pride video

(RNS) — The 25-second video posted on the first day of Pride Month sparked online debate over her content and interpretation of Christian Scripture.

Bible societies mount effort to revive view of Scripture as source of ancient wisdom

(RNS) — Bible societies are attempting to understand why, in a time when 90% of the world’s population has access to the Christian sacred text, relatively few consider it a foundation of their lives.

A court ruled embryos are children. These Christian couples agree yet wrestle with IVF choices

(AP) — The dilemma reflects the age-old friction between faith and science at the heart of the recent IVF controversy in Alabama, where the state Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos have the legal status of children.

RNS Opinion

Finding humanity at the border — in migrants, the Border Patrol and ourselves

(RNS) — If we cannot always provide migrants with a home, we can still act as humane participants in their journeys.

How an anti-terror bill could strip Muslim social justice NGOs of nonprofit status

(RNS) — Proposed legislation in the Senate would have far-reaching implications for charitable NGOs and their donors.


Faith-based agencies denounce Biden’s executive order at the southern border

(RNS) — Six of the nine agencies tasked with resettlement by the federal government are faith-based and have a long history of advocating for immigrants.

SBC abuse reform task force ends its work with no names on database and no long-term plan

(RNS) — Their report marks the second time a proposed database for abusive pastors has been derailed.

In Other News


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