Friday, June 28, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Harvard task forces find discrimination and harassment against Jews, Muslims

RNS Morning Report

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Harvard task forces find discrimination and harassment against Jews, Muslims

(RNS) — Their preliminary recommendations include more anti-harassment training and a high-profile series of talks that model respectful disagreement.

Dying of cancer, Amy Low finds meaning in the mundane of life

(RNS) — In a new memoir, writer and cancer patient Amy Low describes the lessons she's learned while facing her mortality.

Vatican conference ponders who really holds the power of AI

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Pope Francis has made artificial intelligence one of the main issues of his pontificate.

Calvin University board charged with examining faculty dissent

(RNS) — At its meeting earlier this month, the Christian Reformed Church of North America instructed the board to bring a progress report on the confessional-difficulty gravamen to next year's denominational meeting.

RNS Opinion

Custodians of the Hajj — who’s to blame for heat-related deaths?

(RNS) — One can’t sweep 1,300 deaths under the rug.

The problem with social media and kids is also spiritual

(RNS) — For every parent who has wanted to rip the phone from their kid's hands — you are not wrong.


Majority of American Jews support Biden in two polls

(RNS) — The polls are in keeping with decadeslong patterns in which American Jewish voters lean overwhelmingly toward the Democratic Party.

Sean Rowe, leader of Episcopalians in Penn., NY, elected next presiding bishop

(RNS) — Rowe, who will be the 28th presiding bishop, has been bishop of the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania since 2007 and bishop provisional of Western New York since 2019.

In Other News


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