Friday, June 7, 2024

The Fellowship Community - General Assembly Resources

   General Assembly Resources

Below you will find some resources (articles, statements, etc.) related to the upcoming General Assembly, most of which are focused around POL-01 (the Olympia Overture). Most of these do not come directly from TFC, but we are passing along information that you may find helpful. Please remember that we are encouraging you to lean into relationships in your presbytery and have conversations in wisdom and grace.

In addition, if you will be attending General Assembly (or know someone who will be), we would like to connect with you in advance, as well as in person at GA. The Fellowship Community will be hosting a hospitality suite in the evenings for a time of conversation and prayer. Please email us if you'd like to connect.

Link to POL-01

Remember: if passed by both the GA and the presbyteries, only the italic changes in bold to the constitution are executed.

The TFC Response

This is an official response of the TFC Board.

The Theology Matters Response

This is an official response of the Theology Matters Board.

Jerry Andrews' Response

This is TFC Advisory Board member Jerry Andrews' personal response. petition (originated in Atlanta)

This letter of dissent has been signed by nearly 200 pastors (as of the sending of this email) across the theological spectrum.

San Diego Presbytery statement

This statement was drafted by Jerry Andrews, Mike McClenahan, and colleagues from a theologically diverse group of pastors from the PSD and overwhelmingly passed at the presbytery meeting in May. It may serve as an example for other presbyteries.

Finally, TFC has been made aware of a statement circulating on social media. The statement references "The Fellowship of Presbyterians," which is not our official name. It also claims that said organization is "opposed to both LGBTQIA+ inclusion as well as women's ordination, as stated in letters they sent to many of our women clergy and LGBTQIA+ clergy at the congregations they serve in the past year or so." Please know that The Fellowship Community has had and continues to have egalitarian ministry as one of our core values (found here). Furthermore, we have not sent any such letters either to women clergy or to LGBTQIA+ clergy ever. If you ever have questions or concerns about The Fellowship Community or our activities, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly at the email below. We are more than happy to address any concerns. Accountable community is another of our core values, and we want to be completely transparent.

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