Friday, June 21, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Drag worship: Where queer faith and performance collide

RNS Morning Report

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Drag worship: Where queer faith and performance collide

(RNS) — Once relegated exclusively to gay bars and nightclubs, drag is increasingly in the open these days — at libraries, music festivals and, yes, churches.

Outspoken papal critic risks excommunication for inciting schism

(RNS) — Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been publicly critical of Pope Francis.

The author of ‘Jesus Calling’ died last year. Why is a denomination investigating her?

(RNS) — At a recent PCA meeting, critics of ‘Jesus Calling,’ written by Sarah Young, called for an investigation to see if the book was safe for Christians to read.

Texas megachurch pastor resigns after woman says he sexually abused her in the 1980s

DALLAS (AP) — Gateway Church's board of elders said in a statement that they'd accepted the resignation of Robert Morris, the church's senior pastor and founder.

RNS Opinion

‘No false choices’: Why we don’t decide between faith and LGBTQ+ rights

(RNS) — Vice President Harris named a truth I know through both my work and my living.

Why the posting of the Ten Commandments is wrong

(RNS) — How could a rabbi criticize the Ten Commandments? Just watch me.


Ascension Catholic hospitals outsource staffing to private-equity-owned partners

(RNS) — According to a letter Sen. Chuck Grassley sent Ascension, whistleblowers disclosed proposed changes to staffing with SCP Health, the new firm overseeing physician staffing, that could have hospitalists seeing twice the national average of patients per day.

Episcopal Church grapples with ‘transformative role’ in Native American residential schools

(RNS) — Two commissions overseeing research into the denomination's part in the assimilationist schools are asking Episcopal bishops to grant access to archives in their regions and to recruit research assistants of their own. 

In Other News


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