Thursday, June 20, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Episcopal Church grapples with ‘transformative role’ in Native American residential schools

RNS Morning Report

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Episcopal Church grapples with ‘transformative role’ in Native American residential schools

(RNS) — Two commissions overseeing research into the denomination's part in the assimilationist schools are asking Episcopal bishops to grant access to archives in their regions and to recruit research assistants of their own. 

Ascension Catholic hospitals outsource staffing to private-equity-owned partners

(RNS) — According to a letter Sen. Chuck Grassley sent Ascension, whistleblowers disclosed proposed changes to staffing with SCP Health, the new firm overseeing physician staffing, that could have hospitalists seeing twice the national average of patients per day.

Richard Smallwood, ‘Total Praise’ composer, to receive Juneteeth tribute in D.C.

(RNS) — ‘It’s music that has brought us over through slavery, through all kinds of hard trials and tribulations,’ said singer/songwriter Richard Smallwood.

Brooklyn preacher who boasted of ties to NYC mayor gets 9 years in prison for multiyear fraud

NEW YORK (AP) — Lamor Miller-Whitehead, 45, of Paramus, New Jersey, was sentenced in Manhattan federal court by Judge Lorna G. Schofield, who said she didn’t see meaningful remorse from the Rolls Royce-driving bishop convicted of fleecing one parishioner out of $90,000 in retirement savings, among other scams.

RNS Opinion

What, to the white American, is the 19th of June?

(RNS) — One model for creating a new “season of critical patriotism” can be found in the Jewish High Holy Days.

What would the SBC be today without Paul Pressler?

(RNS) — Every historian who grapples with the Conservative Resurgence will have to decide what to do with Pressler.


With world’s highest rates of religiously unaffiliated, East Asia remains spiritually vibrant

(RNS) — While many East Asians do not identify with a religion, they continue to hold religious or spiritual beliefs in unseen beings, venerate ancestors’ spirits and engage in ritual practices, according to a new survey by Pew Research Center. 

Judge rejects effort by Missouri clergy to fight abortion ban

(RNS) — The judge wrote that while the argument that life begins at conception ‘may run counter to some religious beliefs, it is not itself necessarily a religious belief.’

In Other News


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