Wednesday, June 5, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Meet the six preachers who want to lead the Southern Baptist Convention

RNS Morning Report

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Meet the six preachers who want to lead the Southern Baptist Convention

(RNS) — The SBC presidency is perhaps the most influential volunteer religious job in the country. Though unpaid, the SBC president has a bully pulpit to tout his beliefs and shape the leadership of the nation's largest Protestant denomination.

Faith-based agencies denounce Biden’s executive order at the southern border

(RNS) — Six of the nine agencies tasked with resettlement by the federal government are faith-based and have a long history of advocating for immigrants.

SBC abuse reform task force ends its work with no names on database and no long-term plan

(RNS) — Their report marks the second time a proposed database for abusive pastors has been derailed.

Protests and antisemitic incidents prompt Jewish students to reconsider college choices

(RNS) — The ADL’s Antisemitism Report Card gives failing grades to Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Michigan State, and Northwestern, among others.

Scholar on forgiveness in post-apartheid South Africa wins Templeton Prize

(RNS) — Dr. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela is a psychologist who served on South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and developed a model for social healing.

RNS Opinion

US bishops’ report on the Synod on Synodality enumerates tensions but finds hope

(RNS) — There was tension over adaptability and innovation in how the church evangelizes and welcomes people.

Trump the totem

(RNS) — Like other fascist leaders, Donald Trump has transposed himself from a man to a symbol. And that's the danger.


Southern Baptist ethics committee says IVF is immoral, tells Christians to oppose it

(RNS) — Echoing Catholic teaching, ERLC President Brent Leatherwood says the procedure causes moral harm and separates procreation from sex.

Catholic women remain hopeful in the synod despite challenges

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Despite the number of women involved in the latest Synod on Synodality, in a recent survey of women who attended the synod, 67% said they 'encountered obstacles during the process.'

In Other News


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