Friday, June 14, 2024

Weekly Outlook - GA essentials for small churches

Dear readers,

What does the kingdom of God look like to you? 

I've been reflecting on this question since reading Maggie Alsup's reflection on her annual trip to the College Softball World Series. My first imaginings included the kingdom of heaven as a dog park full of friendly pups, a day warm enough (and cool enough) to read in the sunshine, or an afternoon drinking Aperol spritzes next to Lake Como in Northern Italy.

Upon reflection, I realized these are just things that I like. As Alsup writes, the kingdom of God is a web that brings people with diverse histories and opinions into relationship with one another. It is a potluck with neighbors who vote differently than you. It is a tailgate with your team's rivals. It is a family reunion.

Following this logic, I had a bold thought: I wonder if the kingdom of God is something like General Assembly. This notion felt almost outrageous because, in my experience, GA is full of long days and late nights of work. GA is full of people who disagree. GA is full of politicking. And yet...

After Jesus' resurrection and ascension, God's plan for demonstrating God's love to the world was the church: a group of humans who make mistakes and disagree. There seems to be something sacred about this type of bumbling community. I think there may even be an invitation to learn something about God as we try to love people who are different than us, as we communally decide how to demonstrate God's love to the world. 

I'm going to cling to that.

In Christ,
Rose Schrott Taylor
Digital Content Editor

P.S. Don't forget to sign up for Outlook's new GA texting service! We'll make sure you're up-to-date with the latest information. Learn more. 

On women pastors and biblical authority: A Presbyterian reflection by Frances Taylor Gench
GA asked to back removal of ‘punishment clause’ from U.S. Constitution by John A. Bolt
What small churches need to know about #GA226 by Blake Brinegar
The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church reviewed by Amy Pagliarella

In case you missed it...

Southern Baptists don’t get votes to add ‘only men’ pastors language to constitution
Yet, the convention decided to disfellowship a Virginia church that has a woman serving as pastor for children and women. — Adelle M. Banks

Reader’s opinions: “A call to reform the PC(USA) ordination process”
Readers respond to David Wigger's "A call to reform the PC(USA) ordination process.”

Ecumenical and Interfaith Partnerships Committee to review the work of global partners of the PC(USA)
Committee has six items of business to consider. — Mike Ferguson

Mid Councils Committee to hear from synods and the host mid council of GA 226, the Presbytery of Utah
Committee will also consider formation of a permanent GA Commission on Mid Councils. — Mike Ferguson

Committee on International Engagement likely focus to be on Israel/Palestine issues
Supporting Guatemala and using gospel of love as guiding principle for advocacy also on the overture docket. — Scott O’Neill

Heaven at a softball tailgate
To Maggie Alsup, the kingdom of God looks like a tailgate of rivals in Oklahoma City — everyone pulling up a chair and grabbing a plate of food.

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