Friday, June 14, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Southern Baptists pass resolution calling for strictures to curb IVF

RNS Morning Report

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Southern Baptists pass resolution calling for strictures to curb IVF

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — At their annual meeting, Southern Baptists joined the recently renewed debate over in vitro fertilization, passing a resolution calling for restrictions on the practice. Some leaders went further, condemning the procedure as immoral.

Historic all-sign-language movie ‘Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film’ comes to theaters

(RNS) — Debuting on June 20, it’s the first film entirely in American Sign Language to debut in theaters, according to the filmmakers.

The Reformed Church in America to vote on restructuring

(RNS) — After losing nearly half its membership in just five years, the RCA’s General Synod will consider 10 proposals aimed at charting a path forward.

‘The protest is a ritual’: How faith found a place in Palestine solidarity encampments

(RNS) – Over the past nine months, student-led Palestine solidarity encampments popped up at universities across the country. For many students, multi-religious programming at the encampments became unexpected sites for religious connection.

RNS Opinion

A trans hermit reminds us that the church once saw sex difference as a matter of degree

(RNS) — How did a church that once recognized gender fluidity become so obdurate in imposing binary sex difference?

Rev. James Lawson, who learned from Gandhi, used the ‘power of love’ to challenge injustice

(The Conversation) — Lawson learned in India how to resist racism and subsequently trained his students on the systematic use of nonviolence to fight injustice.


Diminished in size, Bosnian Jews hold fast to their identity

SARAJEVO, Bosnia (RNS) — On Shavuot, a holiday that commemorates the revelation of the Torah, about 18 regulars trickled in to the city’s one remaining synagogue.

At Florida homeschool convention, an education in MAGA politics

KISSIMMEE, Fla. (RNS) — Amid more typical homeschool concerns such as combating screen time and filling gaps in homeschool math curricula, the overarching message of the 40th annual Florida Homeschool Convention was about politics, not education.

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