Monday, June 10, 2024

RNS Morning Report: As Ivory Coast Methodists depart UMC over LGBTQ+ issues, Africa’s other Methodists take stock

RNS Morning Report

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As Ivory Coast Methodists depart UMC over LGBTQ+ issues, Africa’s other Methodists take stock

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — ‘You don’t throw away the relationship of your sibling because you do not agree on an issue,’ said a former bishop in the autonomous Methodist Church in Kenya.

‘Tense calm’ at the border as migrant shelters brace for impact of Biden’s asylum order

(RNS) — 'Everything that happens in the United States impacts the southern border of the US and the northern border of Mexico,' the Rev. Francisco Bueno said. 'We always have to be at the ready.'

Sean Feucht files lawsuit against Spokane, claims city violated establishment clause

(RNS) — The lawsuit is the latest in an ongoing controversy that dates back to last August.

Nearly 300 ACNA clergy and a Texas diocese call for male-only priesthood

(RNS) — On June 6, the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth (ACNA) published a resolution calling for a moratorium on ordaining women.

Southern Baptists mull second vote to amend constitution to exclude women pastors

(RNS) — Three of the six candidates expected to be nominated for the SBC presidency favor the so-called ‘Law Amendment,’ and three do not.

RNS Opinion

What goes into a hate crime? Don’t assume you know.

(RNS) — What makes Athale's alleged crimes specific is that authorities collected enough evidence to charge him with targeting Sikhs.

Why Americans of faith need to care about reducing harm to the environment abroad

(RNS) — Investing in international climate assistance is fundamentally about justice.


This Gen Z politician wants to talk about religion more, not less

(RNS) — Ashwin Ramaswami’s state Senate campaign carries with it broader national themes of election protection and Hindus’ emerging presence in American politics. 

Women get a voice in Israel’s vote for chief rabbi. It may not save a deeply unpopular institution.

(RNS) — In the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the elections for chief rabbi are receiving more scrutiny than in past years, with many advocating that religious leaders hew more to the views of at least most Orthodox Israelis.

In Other News


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