Friday, June 7, 2024

Weekly Outlook - GA exhibit hall: Why its absence matters

Dear readers,

Several months ago, I asked if you would be interested in General Assembly text message updates from the Outlook. The feedback you sent was overwhelmingly positive, prompting us to develop this feature.

I am pleased to announce that you can now register for free GA text alerts from the Presbyterian Outlook!

Our strategy for this service is straightforward. GA committees will meet from June 25-27, followed by plenaries from June 29-July 4. In the weeks preceding these events, those who sign up will receive a weekly text message with the latest GA news. During the committee and plenary sessions, we'll provide daily updates and any breaking news.

What qualifies as "breaking news" at GA? Events like electing the co-moderators and the new stated clerk. In 2022, there was a pro-Israel protest outside the Louisville offices. That's breaking news.

The great thing about this text message service is that you can opt-out at any time. We'll try to hit the right mix to keep you up-to-date without blowing up your phone. 

In Christ,
Rose Schrott Taylor
Digital Content Editor

P.S. Those invested (or curious) in GA matters should register for our webinar with the candidates for co-moderator. It's happening tonight! We'll email the recording to all who register. 

Embracing Queer Family: Learning to Live Authentically in Our Families and Communities reviewed by Amy Pagliarella
Hybrid format + condensed schedule = no exhibit hall at #GA226 by Greg Allen-Pickett 
Olympia overture discussion heats up ahead of GA committee meetings by Gregg Brekke
Ordination exams: “The time for review is now.” by Rob Lowry

In case you missed it...

MRTI advocates for meaningfully addressing climate change
MRTI, a PC(USA) faith-based investment committee, is not overlooking pressing issues or grappling with analysis paralysis; we are living into the pivotal yet limited role of our committee, write Kerri N. Allen and Mark Douglas.

Southern Baptist ethics committee says IVF is immoral, tells Christians to oppose it
Echoing Catholic teaching, ERLC President Brent Leatherwood says the procedure causes moral harm and separates procreation from sex. — Bob Smietana

Delighting in discomfort
During Ramadan, chaplain Katrina Pekich-Bundy drove Muslim students to a mosque on Fridays. Despite her efforts, she felt like an outsider — it was both uncomfortable and beautiful.

General Assembly Procedures Committee to consider changes to the Standing Rules of the General Assembly
Committee members will also consider recommending Milwaukee as host of the 227th General Assembly. — PNS

Adults raised in the ‘Christian parenting empire’ of the ’70s-’90s push back
Leveraging social media, these parents and professionals aim to show that this parenting approach can result in trauma, estrangement and views of God as abusive. — Kathryn Post

Read to leave home
To grow, we need to “leave home” physically, psychologically or spiritually, writes Teri McDowell Ott.

Faith formation in crisis: Addressing the need for denominational curriculum
Tori Smit, president of the Association of Partners in Christian Education (APCE), calls for commissioners to approve CF-01 to re-introduce new Reformed curriculum options.

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