| | |  | WEA has just published their Ministry Highlights for 2023. With the vision for Global Gospel Transformation, WEA has adopted Roadmap 2030 that focuses on Strategic Priorities a) Strengthening National Alliances, b) Broad and Fruitful Collaboration, c) Voice for Advocacy and d) Strengthening Organizational Structures. To find out more, please refer to the full report. |
| Update from last webinars |
| Women’s Commission Webinar : ‘Co-workers and Co-leaders: Women and Men Partnering for God's Work'
|  | | On 13 May 2024, the Women’s Commission of the WEA and Rise in Strength were delighted to present the first in a series of webinars on women and men co-working and co-leading for the sake of the kingdom of God. One key takeaway from this webinar is how the church should take the lead in advocating for a world which encourages and empowers women and men to work together, according to their gifts to achieve God’s purposes. Co-working goes back to Genesis. For more information, the link below will take you to the Women's Commission resource page which includes on-demand content such as the video and other resources from this event: https://women.worldea.org/equip/#resources Read More |
| What is Evangelicalism in Asia? |
|  | The webinar explored different things that we can celebrate about how evangelicalism has thrived in the region of Asia: deep sacramental dimension to spirituality, pursuit of harmonious relationship among people and with the rest of God’s creation, a strong sense of being a collective community, emphasis on radical discipleship and holistic transformation, and an intentional focus on the younger generation. But also acknowledged were the tensions and challenges that demand continues and careful reflection. Read More |
| | Missional Families : An urgent need to save generations |
| | The Lausanne Children and Family Network in collaboration with the World Evangelical Alliance’s Family Challenge and Children’s Network, invites you to a seven-week webinar series on the topic of ‘Missional Family’. The webinar will be held once weekly starting from 20 June 2024, and ending on 01 August 2024. Each webinar is a 90-minute session that will be conducted at 13:00 UTC|18:30 IST|09:00 EDT. There will be an online registration via Zoom link. |
| Placemaking and Creation Care: A Christian Perspective 9 July at 1300 hrs UTC
Join us for an inspiring webinar on "Placemaking and Creation Care: A Christian Perspective," where we delve into the intersection of Christian faith, community, urban design, and creation care. Dr. Chris Elisara (Director of the WEA Sustainability Center) and friends will discuss the biblical foundations for Christian placemaking, offering toolsets and skillsets to help transform cities, towns, and neighborhoods into thriving places commensurate with God’s vision of shalom. Whether you're a community leader, church member, or passionate creation care advocate, this webinar will help equip you to reimagine and work towards creating thriving cities, towns,and villages, which by definition are ecologically sustainable. Register here to be part of this transformative conversation! |
| |  | Research helps us know WHAT is happening and to work out WHY. Whether you want insight about your local community or want to see a global organisation embrace diversity, we can all benefit from good research that has impact. We will also look at HOW research plays a role for Christian organisations that want to follow God’s leading. Join our webinar/workshop hosted by Rise in Strength and the Women's Commission, WEA; Thursday July 25th at 11am GMT/UTC. We are joined by experts who will discuss WHY good research matters, and WHAT questions can help us be good researchers. Diane Marshall (Australia), Claire Gibbons (Thailand/NZ), Harriet Ngugi (Kenya/UK) and Elsa Pereira (Portugal). |
| | | In South Africa, Mandela’s party loses its absolute majority for the first time: “It will be a test for the leadership” |
| The country is preparing for the era of coalition government at the state level. According to evangelicals, it can “craft productive partnerships for the common good”. After the elections in South Africa on 29 May, the hegemony of Nelson Mandela’s party has come to an end for the first time since democracy was established in 1994. “The evangelicals have an opportunity to go public with what it means to love the neighbour and the enemy, to foster reconciliation. That is important in a society that, 30years since the dawn of Democracy, remains divided, unequal and mutually suspicious of each other”,.points out the secretary general of the Evangelical Alliance. Read More |
| Ban the Mob, Not the Bible |
| Christians are the victims of hate in some places and the targets of hate speech laws in others. How can believers advocate for nations to address both threats in a consistent, principled way? Hate speech is a thorny problem in many countries of the world. Nations such as Pakistan and Sri Lanka, for example, regularly demonstrate how it can be used to incite violence against Christian minorities. But even Western nations that highly value freedom of expression have experienced demonstrations on college campuses that have turned into physical attacks. Read More |
A Farewell message to Wissam al Saliby |
|  | After more than six years serving the World Evangelical Alliance, Wissam al Saliby, Director of the WEA Geneva Office to the UN, transitioned in May to 21Wilberforce, in the United States, as the new President of the organization. The World Evangelical Alliance is very grateful for the legacy Wissam leaves behind and prays that God will bless him abundantly in his new ministry, as well as his family who are settling in Houston, Texas, for this exciting new chapter. Read More |
| | Holy Land
Kindly pray for wisdom, compassion and patience to all leaders. For civilians who have lost loved ones and healing for those who are injured, for hostages and their return to their families due to the war. There has been a significant drop in economic activity, please pray for individuals who have lost their livelihood due to the war in the West Bank and in Bethlehem. We would also like to keep in prayers the churches, synods and evangelical councils to continue in their witness as Jesus' emissaries of hope and peace, especially those that have become a safe place for refuge. Finally kindly pray for Muslim background believers and their faith community in Gaza. |
| Pakistan
Last summer, extremists in Pakistan falsely accused two Christians of desecrating the Quran. The ensuing insurgency burnt 26 churches and the homes of 80 Christians. In April 2024, a similar event brought the tragic death of one Christian and the destruction of his business and home. The WEA is engaged in a multi-lateral dialogue with religious and governmental authorities on site, out of which multi-year interventions are planned to reduce the incidence of such insurgencies and to promote peaceful coexistence between Muslim and Christian communities in the country. Kindly pray for the leaders to have wisdom in such situations and make right decisions and the individuals who faced persecution to experience God’s peace. |
| Myanmar
Kindly pray for the people of Myanmar who have fled to India. Recently, the military burned down villages, destroying over a thousand homes and churches. We ask for prayers for the reconstruction of these communities. Additionally, two weeks ago, the military destroyed the Run River-Bridge near Tiddim Town, cutting off transportation to India; kindly prayer for a new bridge to be built. The currency of Myanmar, the Kyat, has dropped drastically in value, causing prices for everything to skyrocket. Please pray for the struggling economy. Lastly, the young people are in a state of panic due to the military's new rules, leading many to flee to neighboring countries where they face unemployment, lack of education, and an uncertain future. Pray for their safety and well-being. |
| Sudan
Kindly pray for Sudan, seeking peace and stability amidst ongoing conflict and violence. Pray for protection and provision for the vulnerable, and for wisdom for the leaders to work towards justice. Healing and unity among different groups, and strength for the Christian community facing persecution in areas such as Darfur, the Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains region. Also pray for Sudan's economy, for job opportunities and currency stability. Pray for the respect of human rights, an improved healthcare system, and access to education for all. Finally, pray for effective international support and aid to help bring lasting solutions to Sudan's challenges. |
| | Ukrainian Christians have taken up arms and joined the military to fight against Russian aggression. Others have taken up their Bibles instead, joining soldiers in the trenches and civilians in frontline settlements to spread the gospel and fight a spiritual war as chaplains. Military chaplains became one of the pillars of humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, using their protected status and expanded access to combat zones to evacuate civilians and deliver humanitarian aid. They also serve a crucial role in providing spiritual and psychological assistance to soldiers in frontline positions. Kindly pray for these chaplains who need support to continue their activities, as well as psychological and physical assistance to recover from trauma and fatigue, which inevitably comes with the intensity of their duties. WEA’s TRUST initiative has supported military chaplains since the beginning of the war. The war they are fighting is spiritual, and you can provide them with much-needed ‘ammunition’ by keeping them in your daily prayers. Pray for their safety and God’s protection of those they are helping. Chaplains are working 24/7, so whenever and wherever you say a prayer, you can be sure it is needed and appreciated at that very moment. |
| |  | | Over two billion Christians in the world today are represented by three world church bodies. The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) is one of those, serving more than 600 million evangelicals belonging to churches that are part of 143 national Evangelical Alliances in 9 regions. Launched in London in 1846, the WEA unites evangelicals across denominations for prayer, evangelism, mission, theological education, religious freedom, human rights advocacy, relief, and engagement in a wide range of social issues. It speaks with one voice to United Nations, governments, and media in public or through behind-the-scenes diplomacy on issues of common concern to the Church. For more information, visit worldea.org WEA has been a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability since 1980. WEA is audited annually by an independent public accounting firm. WEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. In the United States, your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. |
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