Tuesday, June 11, 2024

RNS Morning Report: The Southern Baptists are meeting in Indianapolis. Here’s why it matters.

RNS Morning Report

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The Southern Baptists are meeting in Indianapolis. Here’s why it matters.

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — More than 11,000 church members are expected to gather in Indianapolis for one of the largest, most influential church meetings of the year.

New Jersey bill allowing standalone crematories could benefit Hindu funeral rituals

(RNS) — Hindu advocates hope the new bill would better fit the spiritual needs of a community that largely cremates its dead.

The Rev. James Lawson Jr. has died at 95, civil rights leader’s family says

(AP) — Lawson was a close adviser to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who called him 'the leading theorist and strategist of nonviolence in the world.'

Southern Baptist President Bart Barber draws crowd near Indy before annual meeting

GREENFIELD, Indiana (RNS) — At Calvary Baptist Church in Greenfield, Indiana, about 200 people gathered to hear him preach after seeing a new member get baptized.

Tony Evans says he is ‘stepping away’ from leading Dallas megachurch due to ‘sin’

(RNS) — ‘I am stepping away from my pastoral duties and am submitting to a healing and restoration process established by the elders,’ Evans said in a statement.

RNS Opinion

If you’re truly pro-life, you should be anti-gun

(RNS) — June is National Gun Violence Awareness Month, a good time to consider America's relationship with guns.

How to make Jerry Seinfeld cry

(RNS) — This is as far from yada yada as you could ever imagine.


Church led by SBC candidate Clint Pressley reports volunteer to police for alleged abuse

(RNS ) — Hickory Grove Baptist Church pastor Clint Pressley said that a student at the church's school reported the abuse, which was reported to police and child protection officials.

‘Tense calm’ at the border as migrant shelters brace for impact of Biden’s asylum order

(RNS) — 'Everything that happens in the United States impacts the southern border of the US and the northern border of Mexico,' the Rev. Francisco Bueno said. 'We always have to be at the ready.'

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