Monday, November 28, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Who is Trump and Kanye’s dinner companion, Nick Fuentes?

RNS Morning Report

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Top Stories

Who is Trump and Kanye’s dinner companion, Nick Fuentes?

(RNS) — Last year the 24-year-old right-wing media personality told an audience that the United States will cease to be America 'if it loses its white demographic core and if it loses its faith in Jesus Christ.'

Rainbow struggle playing out on sidelines of World Cup

DOHA, Qatar (AP) — The emirate, where gay sex is illegal, faced intense scrutiny in the run-up to the tournament regarding the safety and inclusion of LGBTQ visitors.

Drive-by shooting injures 2 at funeral at Nashville church

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The shooting Saturday took place as mourners left the funeral of a woman who was fatally shot earlier this month, according to police.

Far-right Ben-Gvir to be Israel’s national security minister

JERUSALEM (AP) — Giving the sensitive role to Ben-Gvir raises concerns of a further escalation in Israeli-Palestinian tensions.

Georgia high court reinstates ban on abortions after 6 weeks

ATLANTA (AP) — The justices put a lower court ruling overturning the ban on hold while they consider an appeal. Doctors who had resumed providing abortions after six weeks had to immediately stop.

Vatican court hears secret recording of pope on hostage fees

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican tribunal weighing a financial fraud case heard a secret recording of Pope Francis about the Holy See’s payments to free a nun held hostage by al-Qaida-linked militants.

Hong Kong court convicts Cardinal Zen, 5 others over fund

HONG KONG (AP) — While the cardinal has not yet been charged with national security-related charges, he was charged with failing to properly register a fund aimed at helping democracy protestors.

RNS Opinion

To those Jews who still support him

When he invited Kanye and a Holocaust denier to Mar-a-Lago, that should have been enough. But, it was enough years ago.

Time for a “new” Jewish holiday

"Funny, you don't look Jewish" is not funny. We need to change the perceptions of what it means to look, and do, Jewish.


What does healing look like to survivors of the US Indian boarding school system?

(RNS) — ‘A big aspect of the healing is going to be a sincere, heartfelt apology by the different denominations that participated,’ said one survivor.

A biography of Ruth Bell Graham explores an icon of evangelical womanhood

(RNS) — Graham opposed the women’s rights movements even as she benefited from some of its gains by becoming a public figure sought after as a speaker and writer in her own right.

In Other News


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