Student Loan Forgiveness, Black Debt, and the M.Div Degree By Dr. Aaron Treadwell, Contributing Writer
 On August 24, 2022, President Joe Biden announced a three-part student loan relief program in an attempt to “target debt relief as part of a comprehensive effort to address the burden of growing college costs and make the student loan system more manageable for working families.” This program is targeted towards persons with an income of less than $125,000 and less than $250,000 for married couples. The majority of African Methodist Episcopal (AME) clergy fall within this financial window, and those with student debt will likely be utilizing this program. And yet, the question remains if this is enough to save AME clergy from insurmountable debt. |
Rev. Dr. Stephanie N. Taylor, MD Appointed as Interim Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Institutional Affairs and NIH Advisory Council
Rev. Stephanie N. Taylor, MD, the Administrative Pastor of Bethel AME Church, New Orleans, LA, was recently appointed as the Interim Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Institutional Affairs for the Louisiana State University School of Medicine. She was also introduced by Dr. Anthony Fauci as a new member National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/National Institutes of Health (NIAID/NIH) Advisory Council. The NIAID Council advises on policy,clears concepts, and reviews programs for the NIH. Read More Here |
Character and Consistency Dr. Byron Washington, Columnist 
Soon Daniel distinguished himself above the other administrators and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king planned to appoint him over the whole kingdom. So the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for complaint against Daniel in connection with the kingdom. But they could find no grounds for complaint or any corruption, because he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption could be found in him. – Daniel 6:3-4 (NRSVU) Read More Here |
Sermon Excerpt “JESUS GOT UP, SO CAN YOU!” Luke 18: 31-34 Dr. Betty Holley, Contributing Writer
 There are times, on life’s journey, we feel we have been thrown too many wicked punches. Have you ever felt yourself going down for the count? How did you respond? Did you get up, or did you stay down? Sometimes forces are working against us that we cannot see, sending us to fall on the ropes of the boxing ring more times than we would like. When life hits, it seldom slaps or throws baby punches. It hits hard! When life hits, it seems that everything happens at the same time. Those are the times that we agree with Job that “man born of a woman is full of trouble.” Job would know, especially since he experienced the full range–the death of his family, personal sickness, and financial failure, all at the same time. |
Ohio South Ohio Conference Lay Organization Living A Global Witness Ministry That Transforms, Transcends and Liberates: We Acknowledge Third Episcopal District Lay Legendary LeadershipBy Jacqueline Johnson, Marvin Harris and Adrienne Morris, 3rd Episcopal District
The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Luke 4:18-19 The Ohio South Ohio Conference Lay Organization and the Third Episcopal District worshiped at their Annual Lay Night Service during the 192nd Session. The Lay Theme Living A Global Witness Ministry that Transforms, Transcends and Liberates, adopted by the Connectional Lay Organization served as a theme for our program on Friday, September 23, 2022.
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The Disappearing Act: The Silencing of Voices in Church Spaces Rev.Tiffany Brooks, 2nd Episcopal District
Life has a way of trying to silence you. In so many experiences and in several ways, it will try to mute you. In some instances, it is successful and in others it is not. Life includes people, places, spaces, and things that will try to choke all the voice out of you. Sometimes it’s unintentional and by design, sometimes it is a random string of circumstances, and other times it is intentional. Most often, one's voice begins disappearing due to intentional ploys and misinterpreted views of humbleness and humility.
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LGBTQ-friendly votes signal progressive shift for Methodists

The United Methodist Church moved toward becoming more progressive and LGBTQ-affirming during U.S. regional meetings this month that included the election of its second openly gay bishop. Conservatives say the developments will only accelerate their exit from one of the nation’s largest Protestant denominations.
Each of the UMC’s five U.S. jurisdictions — meeting separately in early November — approved similarly worded measures aspiring to a future of church where “LGBTQIA+ people will be protected, affirmed, and empowered.” Read More Here
‘Tell What Happened’: Pastor and Last Surviving Eyewitness Urges Christians to Remember Emmett Till
 The Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr. still remembers clearly the moment as a teenager he thought he was going to die. Parker was 16 years old, visiting family in Mississippi, when he woke in the early morning hours to the sound of voices in the house. Moments later, the door to his bedroom opened and a man pointed a flashlight and a pistol in his face. Read More Here
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