Monday, November 14, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Muslim Americans make historic gains in 2022 midterm elections

RNS Morning Report

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Muslim Americans make historic gains in 2022 midterm elections

(RNS) — 'When Muslims run for office today, in 2022 and beyond, … it's rewarded by voters,' said Mohammed Missouri, executive director of Jetpac, a nonprofit that works to increase Muslim representation in US government and politics.

Religious groups with immigrant members grew fastest over past decade

(RNS) — A decennial study of US religious life shows that the number of participants in congregational services has not kept up with the overall population growth. But religious groups drawing large numbers of immigrants have seen steady growth.

A ‘missionary to Christian nationalists,’ Phoenix pastor urges conversion, not confrontation

(RNS) — Caleb Campbell hopes hospitality and kindness — rather than arguments — can lead away from the fusion of God and country.

Why they broke with Hindu nationalism: Four former zealots speak out

(RNS) — Participants in the destruction of a historic mosque 30 years ago, a signal event that led to a surge in Hindu nationalism in India, talk about their transformed lives.

RNS Opinion

Josh Shapiro and me

(RNS) — Pennsylvania's governor-elect bravely ran on inclusiveness against a candidate who leveraged Christian nationalism.

Bishops need to acknowledge collateral damage from Dobbs win

(RNS) — To the extent that the bishops helped the Republicans gain power, they must accept responsibility for what the Republicans did with that power.


Poll: US Jews overwhelmingly backed Democrats in midterms

(RNS) — American Jews have strained in the past few months under a barrage of antisemitic attacks. Fears for democracy were first on their minds.

Why they broke with Hindu nationalism: Four former zealots speak out

(RNS) — Participants in the destruction of a historic mosque 30 years ago, a signal event that led to a surge in Hindu nationalism in India, talk about their transformed lives.

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