Thursday, November 10, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Abortion rights scored the biggest midterm victory

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Abortion rights scored the biggest midterm victory

(RNS) — Not only did voters support abortion rights ballot measures, they probably also helped Democrats stave off a red wave.

Religion plays a role in Native American adoption case before Supreme Court

(RNS) — Legal activists argue that Brackeen v. Haaland could inhibit Native American children’s contact with their religious traditions while extending a long history of white Christian efforts to convert Native children and remove them from their homes and families.

Californians overwhelmingly support abortion rights over Catholic bishops’ objections

LOS ANGELES (RNS) — California will codify the right to abortion in the state’s constitution after voters on Tuesday (Nov. 8) overwhelmingly approved a measure that Catholic bishops and other Christian leaders rallied against.

RNS Opinion

This election was good for the Jews, and Jewish values

(RNS) — America was tested, and America won.

Abortion was no dud for Democrats

(RNS) — In the midterm election, it was what held back the red wave.


Despite Mastriano’s loss, don’t count out Christian nationalism

(RNS) — ‘Winning a race like Mastriano’s in Pennsylvania, leaning on Christian nationalism, is harder than, perhaps, a congressional seat in the South,’ said sociologist Andrew Whitehead.

Elon Musk loves The Babylon Bee. Will he let the site back on Twitter?

(RNS) — The Christian satire site’s connection to Musk is the latest example of the Bee’s rise from a would-be pastor’s side project to a conservative powerhouse.

In Other News


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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. To perform an abortion without any complications or undergo surgical abortion procedures or clinical observation purchase Abortion Pill online USA.
