Tuesday, November 1, 2022

RNS Morning Report: How America’s conservative youth movement grew a cult of rage

RNS Morning Report

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How America’s conservative youth movement grew a powerhouse on the cult of rage

(RNS) — In a new book, Kyle Spencer documents the rise of Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk and talk show host Candace Owens and their growing influence on conservative youth culture.

Members of US religious freedom panel speak out against China-Vatican deal

(RNS) — While Vatican officials defended the deal for promoting dialogue with China, members of the federal commission say things have only gotten worse.

Israel’s Haredi voters drift toward hard right leader as election nears

JERUSALEM (AP) — Itamar Ben-Gvir's sharp rise in popularity in the last three years has transformed him from a fringe provocateur to a central player in Tuesday's parliament election.

In Mexico, Day of the Dead is actually a celebration of life

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The living remember and honor their dearly departed, but with celebration — not sorrow.

Black church tradition survives Georgia’s voting changes

ATLANTA (AP) — Black church leaders and activists in Georgia rallied Sunday in a longstanding tradition known as “Souls to the Polls” that has greater meaning in this year's midterms as legislation presents new obstacles to casting a ballot.

Nets owner disappointed Irving backed antisemitic work

NEW YORK (AP) — “I am an OMNIST and I meant no disrespect to anyone’s religious beliefs,” read a post on Irving’s Twitter account.

RNS Opinion

Evangelicals and Trump: ReAwaken America shows us who changed whom

(RNS) — It would be so easy for conservative Christians to simply say, 'These rallies are not a good model for evangelical political engagement.'

Anime is packed with spirituality and gaining popularity among Gen Z

(RNS) — Anime, filled with Japanese spirituality, is part of a massive boom in the popularity of East Asian media.



Before a month celebrating adoption, a day to recognize adoptees’ trauma

(RNS) — For many adoptees, the day is a chance to reclaim their adoption narrative from religious groups that often portray it as a spiritual win-win.

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