Friday, November 25, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Pope Francis IDs successor

RNS Morning Report

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Pope Francis IDs successor to conservative Providence bishop

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The Most Reverend Richard G. Henning is the new coadjutor bishop of Providence, will likely succeed the conservative Bishop Thomas Tobin.

Pope links plight of Ukrainians today to Stalin’s ‘genocide’

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The pontiff's willingness to call the starvation of Ukrainians 90 years ago a “genocide,” and his linking it to Ukrainian deaths today, marked a sharp escalation in papal rhetoric against Russia

With searches, Ukraine focuses suspicions on Orthodox clergy

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — An investigation of a centuries-old monastic complex in Ukraine’s capital has underscored Ukrainian authorities' suspicions about some Orthodox Christian clergymen they see as loyal to Russia.

Vineyard USA founder’s widow, board members sue breakaway Anaheim pastors, alleging fraud

(RNS) — A pair of California pastors say God told them to lead the Anaheim Vineyard out of its home denomination. Former board members say the pastors committed fraud to do that. At stake is $62 million in assets.

RNS Opinion

The simple faith of gathering together and giving thanks

(RNS) — These hymns ring loud in my consciousness long after the other trappings of devotion have fallen away.

This Thanksgiving, give thanks for refugees

(RNS) — Let us be grateful — with words and actions — for the refugees who have helped make this country what it is.


Vineyard USA founder’s widow, board members sue breakaway Anaheim pastors, alleging fraud

(RNS) — A pair of California pastors say God told them to lead the Anaheim Vineyard out of its home denomination. Former board members say the pastors committed fraud to do that. At stake is $62 million in assets.

What does healing look like to survivors of the US Indian boarding school system?

(RNS) — ‘A big aspect of the healing is going to be a sincere, heartfelt apology by the different denominations that participated,’ said one survivor.

In Other News


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