Monday, November 7, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Mosques push for voter engagement

RNS Morning Report

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Top Stories

In run-up to midterms, Muslim groups, mosques push for voter engagement

(RNS) — 'The local work is allowing us to expand voting rights so more people can vote for our candidates,' said Nada Al-Hanooti, executive director of Emgage’s Michigan chapter.

FBI warns of ‘broad’ threat to synagogues in New Jersey

(RNS) — The FBI’s Newark office released a statement urging synagogues to “take all security precautions to protect your community and facility," but wouldn't say anything about who made the threat or why.

Birmingham ministries host LGBTQ-affirming student fair amid Samford pushback

(RNS) — The event takes place months after Samford University disinvited LGBTQ-affirming ministries from its annual ministry fair.

Christian monastery, possibly pre-dating Islam, found in UAE

(RNS) — The two monasteries became lost to history in the sands of time as scholars believe Christians slowly converted to Islam as that faith grew more prevalent in the region.

In ‘Raising Lazarus,’ Beth Macy summons the stone rollers

(RNS) — A new book chronicles an addiction-recovery movement known as 'harm reduction,' an alternative to strict abstinence that has drawn many people of faith as helpers.

The American Renewal Project wants to mobilize pastors for the Republican Party

(RNS) — The goal is to bring Christianity back into the public square.

RNS Opinion

In Indiana, a legal victory for religious liberty over fetal personhood

(RNS) — The Supreme Court will soon have to reckon with its majority's expansive interpretation of free exercise of religion.

Vote like your life — and everyone else’s — depends on it

(RNS) — We all have a chance to do our part.

Israel just had a bad week

(RNS) — The challenges that face world Jewry seem almost overwhelming. Time to drill down on what we know to be true.


‘I didn’t resign because of my mistakes,’ says former Hillsong pastor Brian Houston in video

(RNS) — He had hoped, he said in the video, that the board would refuse his resignation.

New Hulu documentary recaps rise of Moral Majority and downfall of Jerry Falwell Jr.

(RNS) — ‘God Forbid,’ which clocks in at nearly two hours and carries a TV-MA rating, released this week on streaming platform Hulu.

In Other News


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