Tuesday, November 15, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Did faith fall off a cliff during COVID?

RNS Morning Report

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Did faith fall off a cliff during COVID? New study says no.

(RNS) — Religious life in America was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But did it lead to a loss of faith as well as a decline in churchgoing?

Candidates to lead the Catholic bishops — and what their election would mean

(RNS) — At the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' fall meeting, the prelates will elect a new president to replace Los Angeles Archbishop José Gómez, who has served since 2019.

Canadian artist hopes to be ‘visual ambassador’ of Pope Francis’ message to poor

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — The creator of 'Homeless Jesus,' Catholic artist Timothy Schmalz is on his way to becoming the most prolific sculptor under Pope Francis’ pontificate.

Muslim Americans make historic gains in 2022 midterm elections

(RNS) — 'When Muslims run for office today, in 2022 and beyond, … it's rewarded by voters,' said Mohammed Missouri, executive director of Jetpac, a nonprofit that works to increase Muslim representation in US government and politics.

RNS Opinion

Israel’s Haredi parties support Netanyahu again, but their politics aren’t what you think

(RNS) — The 'ultra-Orthodox' Shas and United Torah Judaism parties aren't political hardliners, or very political at all.

What Dave Chappelle got right

(RNS) — Dave Chappelle's SNL monologue was offensive. But, there are some things we can learn from it.


Muslim Americans make historic gains in 2022 midterm elections

(RNS) — 'When Muslims run for office today, in 2022 and beyond, … it's rewarded by voters,' said Mohammed Missouri, executive director of Jetpac, a nonprofit that works to increase Muslim representation in US government and politics.

Religious groups with immigrant members grew fastest over past decade

(RNS) — A decennial study of US religious life shows that the number of participants in congregational services has not kept up with the overall population growth. But religious groups drawing large numbers of immigrants have seen steady growth.

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