Friday, November 18, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Poll: Politics drives religious Americans' views

RNS Morning Report

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Poll: Politics drives religious Americans’ views on the environment

(RNS) — Religious people who lean Republican are less inclined to be concerned about global warming than people of the same religion who identify or lean to the Democratic Party.

CeCe Winans: ‘private ministry is the thing that fuels your public worship’

(RNS) — Winans seeks to be a bridge-builder across generations, encouraging older folks to share their faith and life lessons with younger people.

Returning from self-imposed hiatus, ACNA Bishop Stewart Ruch works to regain trust

(RNS) — At a meeting last week, he addressed concerns raised about his handling of abuse allegations in his diocese.

Apaches get rehearing in fight to preserve Oak Flat, a sacred site in Arizona

(RNS) — ‘The government protects historical churches and other important religious landmarks, and our site deserves no less protection,’ Apache Stronghold founder Wendsler Nosie Sr. said.

New cemetery chapel honors victims of synagogue attack

SHALER, Pa. (AP) — What had been an outbuilding at the cemetery of New Light Congregation has been transformed into a chapel with stained glass windows and other mementos honoring victims of the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue massacre.

Culture clash? Conservative Qatar preps for World Cup party

(AP) — A clash of values has already erupted in Qatar, a conservative Muslim emirate that restricts alcohol, bans drugs and suppresses free speech, as it prepares to welcome possibly rowdy crowds for the first World Cup in the Middle East.

RNS Opinion

How Chappelle’s antisemitic ‘SNL’ bit betrays Black liberation

(RNS) — The comedian never misses an opportunity to minimize the abuse of oppressed people not his own. 

Two cheers for Michael Gerson

(RNS) — And may he rest in peace.

The hidden joke behind “Hogan’s Heroes”

Was "Hogan's Heroes" funny? Yes -- and dead serious, as well.


How opposition to Prop 8 led Latter-day Saints to back Senate’s same-sex marriage bill

(RNS) — Same-sex marriage, long a divisive issue, could be the thing that brings Americans together, said Troy Williams, executive director of Equality Utah.

Cardinal asks bishops to challenge lawmakers who want to cut Ukraine aid

BALTIMORE (RNS) — The suggestion, which drew applause from bishops, appeared directed at Republicans who have suggested reducing aid to Ukraine.

In Other News


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