Wednesday, November 30, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Across the US, Native Americans are fighting to preserve sacred land

RNS Morning Report

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Across the US, Native Americans are fighting to preserve sacred land

(RNS) — ‘It’s important that we unify, and we work together, and share the teachings to protect our sacred areas because once God, once our sacred and holy places are gone, we will no longer exist. Our religion will be gone forever,’ said one Native American activist.

Pastors say Johnny Hunt, former SBC president accused of abuse, can return to ministry

(RNS) — Once a beloved SBC pastor and president, Hunt will return to ministry just over seven months after the allegations were made public.

China vows more ‘friendly consensus’ amid Vatican complaints

BEIJING (AP) — Beijing and the Vatican are once again tangling over the prickly issue of appointing Chinese bishops.

RNS Opinion

Right-wing Jews bail on Trump

(RNS) — The dinner with Ye and Fuentes was a bridge too far.

Death and the Little Black Funeral Dress

(RNS) — Each time I wear it to mourn someone I’ve loved, my dress becomes more steeped in love and history.

How to be one church in divisive times

(RNS) — Remember the great gift of the exhortation, 'Be the first to love.'


Who is Trump and Kanye’s dinner companion, Nick Fuentes?

(RNS) — Last year the 24-year-old right-wing media personality told an audience that the United States will cease to be America 'if it loses its white demographic core and if it loses its faith in Jesus Christ.'

Vatican opens new investigation, alleging disgraced cardinal secretly recorded Pope Francis

(RNS) — Cardinal Angelo Becciu, prosecutors say, secretly recorded a call with Pope Francis in which he seeks to avoid a trial on corruption charges.

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