Wednesday, November 23, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Trump's Twitter return sparks concern

RNS Morning Report

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Top Stories

Trump’s Twitter return sparks concern among faith groups

(RNS) — New owner Elon Musk has gone back on his promise not to replatform anyone before instituting a transparent process that included outside input, according to the Anti-Defamation League's head.

DC’s faith communities rally to protect bused-in immigrants

(RNS) — Organizing efforts in Washington have become a blueprint for other cities.

‘After School Satan Club’ at California elementary school stirs controversy

(RNS) — After School Satan Clubs are sponsored by The Satanic Temple, a nontheistic religious organization based in Salem, Massachusetts, that pushes for the separation of church and state.

Bison’s relocation to Native lands revives a spiritual bond

(AP) — Decades after the last bison vanished from their tribal lands, the Cherokee Nation is part of a resurgence of Indigenous people seeking to reconnect with the animals.

‘The Chosen’ triggers Hollywood upset

(RNS) — Creators of the show, which hit No. 3 at the box office, also announced a new nonprofit to support production and marketing.

Pope Francis fires leadership of Catholic charity network Caritas

(RNS) — According to a Vatican statement, “real deficiencies were noted in management and procedures” within the charitable organizations’ leadership.

Lyft drivers spread the Gospel with ride-hailing ministries

(AP) — Lyft’s guidelines do not expressly prohibit evangelism nor conversations about religion, and evangelism experts say ride-hailing can be conducive to talking about faith.

Trial resumes for suspects in 2015 Bangkok shrine bombing

BANGKOK (AP) — A Thai court on Tuesday resumed the long-delayed trial of two members of China's Muslim Uyghur minority accused of carrying out a 2015 bombing at a Bangkok landmark that killed 20 people.

Ukraine searches monastic complex, prompting anger in Moscow

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — The Ukrainian counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism service said the search is part of its "systematic work to counter the subversive activities of the Russian special services in Ukraine."

RNS Opinion

Pilgrims, not patriots

(RNS) — The Pilgrims thought of themselves as temporary travelers in a world that was not their home — much less a nation. 

How to talk to kids about antisemitism

(RNS) — A sad but necessary lesson for difficult and challenging times.


A once-dying church hopes to reinvent itself with coffee and kindness

(RNS) — Embrace Church had two years left to live. Rather than wait for the end, the church sold its building, reinvented itself and invested in a local coffee house.

How the Museum of the Bible produces a white evangelical Bible

(RNS) — The book, 'Does Scripture Speak for Itself?' argues that the Washington, D.C., institution produces a benevolent white evangelical Bible that resists critique.

In Other News


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