Thursday, November 17, 2022

RNS Morning Report: How Latter-day Saints came to back Senate’s same-sex marriage bill

RNS Morning Report

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Top Stories

How opposition to Prop 8 led Latter-day Saints to back Senate’s same-sex marriage bill

(RNS) — Same-sex marriage, long a divisive issue, could be the thing that brings Americans together, said Troy Williams, executive director of Equality Utah.

Cardinal asks bishops to challenge lawmakers who want to cut Ukraine aid

BALTIMORE (RNS) — The suggestion, which drew applause from bishops, appeared directed at Republicans who have suggested reducing aid to Ukraine.

Chabad rabbis celebrate growth at 6,000+ conference in Crown Heights

(RNS) — The five-day event includes workshops on how its emissaries can be more useful — whether on college campuses, in day schools, teaching adult education or in other forms of outreach.

Veterans, Muslim and Jewish groups file support for Sikh recruits suing Marine Corps

(RNS) — Sikhs who serve in the Marine Corps can keep their beards and unshorn hair while on duty but are forbidden from doing so during combat deployment and in the course of boot camp.

As Trump launches new presidential bid, will former faith advisers back him?

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Most have remained silent about his new campaign, while others have hinted at allegiances to other potential contenders such as Mike Pence and Ron DeSantis.

RNS Opinion

No, Stacey Abrams is not Moses

(RNS) — She is not a man who squandered the opportunity of a lifetime. She is a Black woman who tried to bring revolutionary change to a deeply red state.

The Respect for Marriage Act protects my family — and my faith

(RNS) — We support equality not in spite of our religious beliefs, but because of them.


Eastern University on hold from CCCU after dropping ban on LGBTQ faculty

(RNS) — The school has amended its policies to allow for the hiring of LGBTQ faculty and to add sexual orientation to its non-discrimination statement.

MacKenzie Scott gives $15 million to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

It's the single largest donation in the organization's 83-year history.

In Other News


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