Thursday, October 17, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - What do mission, evangelism and discipleship mean for the Uniting Church? A new call for papers in UC National News 16-22 October

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16-22 October 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


What do the terms missiondiscipleship and evangelism mean for the Uniting Church?

How ought the Uniting Church in Australia best define the term ‘mission’ in light of our Covenant commitments?

What is the relationship between God’s all-encompassing and cosmic mission and our own call to mission?

How does the Uniting Church understand ‘discipleship’ and the ‘making and growing of disciples’?

Does the term ‘evangelism’ still have currency and relevance to a Uniting Church audience?

These are the kinds of questions you might like to engage with in response to a new call for papers from the Act2 Project. Theological reflections from across the Uniting Church are being invited on the terms: missiondiscipleshipevangelism and diaconal communities. Read more from Rev Erik Lennestål, Acting Act2 Project Lead.

More information


Marking the sixth anniversary of the National Apology

Next Tuesday 22 October 2024 marks the fifth anniversary of the historic National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. The Uniting Church in Australia is committed to marking this anniversary and to remembering the wrongs of the past, and to growing a culture of safety across the whole Church. A liturgy of lament and statement from President Rev Charissa Suli is available to mark the anniversary.


Sign up for the 2024-2025 Lectionary

The 2024-2025 Uniting Church Lectionary resource will be released before the end of October. To make sure you don't miss it, sign up now to get it straight to your inbox as soon as it's available.


Expressions of Interest invited for two Assembly bodies

The Assembly invites Expressions of Interest from skilled people to fill vacancies on two Assembly bodies: UCA Assembly Limited Board (two vacancies) and the Assembly Audit, Finance and Risk Committee (one vacancy). Both are for an initial three-year term.


RSVP now for Assembly General Secretary commissioning

The Uniting Church in Australia Assembly is delighted to extend an invitation to the Commissioning of Andrew Johnson as Assembly General Secretary. All are invited to attend the service, which will be held a 3pm AEDT on Saturday 23 November at Gungahlin Uniting Church north of Canberra. RSVPs are invited by 8 November. A live-streaming link is now available.


New Frontier News out now

The latest edition of Frontier News is here! It's a reminder of the powerful role you play in supporting this work. Read how your support is helping people in the remote community of Hawker, ensuring children in remote areas have access to education, and providing comfort after natural disaster. Your generosity reaches people of all ages in rural Australia, offering care, comfort, and hope to families, children, and seniors alike.


Join a focus group

UnitingWorld are hosting a series of one-hour online focus groups to hear insights from supporters and help UnitingWorld make an even bigger impact in the future. Participants will be thanked with a $50 Visa gift card. Sign up here.


An evening with David Gungor

If you're a fan of The Brilliance, here's a great opportunity! Wesley Castle Hill Uniting Church in NSW will be hosting David Gungor for an evening of music, conversation and creativity. More information and tickets here.

In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Presbytery and Regional Partnership Administration Support Officer - UC Synod of NSW-ACT

Provide administrative and secretarial support to the Synod's Presbytery Relations team.

Administration and Operations Coordinator - St Kilda South Port UC (VIC)

Undertake a wide range of duties including finance, property, IT, record keeping, and being a point of contact for the congregation.

Upcoming Dates

22 October: Anniversary of the Apology to Survivors of Insitutional Child Sexual Abuse
1 November: All Saints Day

Check out the 2024 Assembly Calendar more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • The Uniting Church Fijian National Conference, meeting in NSW this weekend.
  • Victims and survivors of child sexual abuse, as we mark the sixth anniversary of the National Apology on Tuesday. May past hurts be healed and may we recommit to a culture of safety so that such a grave injustice can never occur again.
  • Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.

How are you celebrating the Season of Creation?


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