Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Montreat Status Update - 10/01/2024

Hurricane Helene Update

Status on Relief Efforts at Montreat Conference Center

MONTREAT, NC - 10/1/2024

Greetings from Montreat! Nearly 48 hours after our last report, we bring news that progress continues on recovery efforts in Montreat. Town staff and recovery teams are working diligently to address roads and other infrastructure challenges.

The Town hosted a town meeting at the conference center yesterday with representatives from the Town, conference center, Montreat College, and the community. Attendees received an update on the work that Barry Creasman, public works director for the Town of Montreat, and the entire Montreat Public Works department are doing work to restore roads, power, and water. Further, Montreat institutions and residents are supporting and caring for each other in remarkable ways.

While important and measurable steps have been taken, much work is ahead. In the meantime, Town officials are urging people to leave if they are able, and are urging those who are not here to stay away unless absolutely necessary. Law enforcement continues to monitor property and security.

Many are anxious to receive news, and we will keep everyone informed as information comes to light. Communications, however, are spotty and often compromised. The conference center is relying on staff working remotely to communicate updates as we are able. For the big picture in Western North Carolina, major news outlets are providing better information that we can. One major recurring rumor that we CAN address: Lake Susan Dam performed as designed and has held throughout.

Conference center staff is supporting the town’s efforts by checking in with residents who remain, recording the names of those that are leaving, disseminating information, and receiving resources and distributing them through appropriate channels, all while attending to each other and our campus. We are also currently housing the Cajun Navy 2016, specialists who have set up a command center on Collegiate Circle. They are providing resources and expertise not only to Montreat but to communities beyond the Gate.

The conference center and Western North Carolina Presbytery have been contacted by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, who is also marshalling resources to support our efforts. They are joined by many local and national organizations working to collect donations and usher supplies into the valley.

We appreciate the countless messages of support, concern, and prayer. The needs in Western North Carolina are substantial and recovery will be measured in months not days. Please continue to keep those affected by this storm and the countless individuals working tirelessly to address the needs of those displaced by this catastrophic event.

Our spirits are buoyed by the more than 650 individuals, churches, organizations, and others who have already made a gift to conference center's recovery effort. We give thanks for each outpouring of support from across the country and around the world. Reports of gifts from church offerings, Sunday school classes, children and grandchildren, seminaries, Summer Staff past and present, and so many more lift our spirits and aid our work in the days to come. If you would like to make a gift to our Hurricane Helene Relief Fund, you may do so here. If you would like to donate supplies, we recommend directing those donations towards Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, or reaching out to Seth Hagler for more information.

Lastly, in addition to the updates provided above, we would like to make everyone aware that a community meeting will take place for those still in Montreat tomorrow, October 2, at 9:00 am in Assembly Inn. The Town is now working to provide updates from these meetings on its website, We will also continue to provide updates as available. Those looking for current information about this situation or to learn how to help should visit our website,

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