Monday, October 14, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Bishop Joseph Espaillat challenges Catholics to listen to Latino youth

RNS Morning Report

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Bishop Joseph Espaillat challenges Catholics to listen to Latino youth

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — 'If we don’t learn how to speak to our children, well, then, we’re going to continue on the same path, and we’re going to continue to lose them,' Espaillat warned.

The past few years have left clergy burned out and exhausted. But that can change, say experts.

(RNS) — Having a clear plan for an intentional health or wellbeing practice can lead to flourishing when it comes to mental health for clergy.

Zelenskyy meets Pope Francis at Vatican to discuss humanitarian situation in Ukraine

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — The Ukrainian president is traveling through Europe in search of financial and political support for his 'victory plan.'

Kenya’s oldest university gets mosque after a 50-year push

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — A new mosque at the University of Nairobi should be open by the end of the year.

RNS Opinion

Can Hillel listen to its Jewish community?

(RNS) — If not, new Jewish spaces are emerging to welcome students who may dissent from its strict stance on Israel and the war.

Get thee behind me, Satan. And Christian nationalists.

(RNS) — Like Jesus, Christians should reject calls to embrace power rather than love.



On Yom Kippur, New York Jews plan to publicly mourn Palestinian deaths

(RNS) — The service, part of the afternoon Yom Kippur liturgy called Yizkor, will feature traditional Jewish prayers and a short eulogy by a New York-based Palestinian for her slain Gaza family.

Shirley Hoogstra on leading Christian higher ed through a decade of change

WASHINGTON (RNS) — ‘Families of faith or students who want a particular major or minor or student experience feel freer to pick a campus that matches their values,’ said Hoogstra.

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