Tuesday, October 15, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Why Harris and the Democrats may not be able to count on Hindu Americans in November


RNS Morning Report

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Why Harris and the Democrats may not be able to count on Hindu Americans in November

(RNS) — As Hindu American participation in politics has increased over the past decade, its political affiliations have begun to shift.

Czech Jews mark first Yom Kippur in historic Prague synagogue since the Holocaust 

(RNS) — Rabbi David Maxa, who organized the observance in one of Prague’s 17th-century synagogues, said the moment ‘is not just a revival of our prayers, but a powerful testament to the resilience and continuity of our tradition.’

Transgender and intersex Catholics ask pope to rethink church stance on gender-affirming care

(RNS) — The meeting was organized after the Vatican issued a document condemning gender-affirming care and gender theory.

Hindus in Bangladesh celebrate their largest festival under tight security following attacks

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — Bangladesh's current interim leader, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, has faced serious challenges in maintaining law and order since he took over in August, and Durga Puja, Bangladesh's largest Hindu festival, was seen as an acid test of his administration's ability to protect minorities.

RNS Opinion

2024 election checklist: Five ways Catholic parishes can keep politics out of church

(RNS) — Most Catholics don’t want politics to divide their parishes, but the wise pastor will prepare for the worst.

Vatican synod is opening the door a bit wider for Catholic women − but they’ve been knocking for more than 100 years

(The Conversation) — Women’s formal involvement in bishops’ synods has grown slowly over the decades. Even when they were excluded, Catholic women found ways to learn about proceedings – and weigh in, often critically.



Bishop Joseph Espaillat challenges Catholics to listen to Latino youth

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — 'If we don’t learn how to speak to our children, well, then, we’re going to continue on the same path, and we’re going to continue to lose them,' Espaillat warned.

The past few years have left clergy burned out and exhausted. But that can change, say experts.

(RNS) — Having a clear plan for an intentional health or wellbeing practice can lead to flourishing when it comes to mental health for clergy.

In Other News


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