Monday, October 7, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Rome feels the bustle of returning synod delegates as Catholics wait for action

RNS Morning Report

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Rome feels the bustle of returning synod delegates as Catholics wait for action

(RNS) — While this month’s discussions in Rome may be robust and equitable, many observers — Catholic or otherwise — wonder what has been achieved beyond talk.

Bring your pets to church, Haitian immigrant priest tells worshippers. ‘I am not going to eat them … I will bless them.”

CONCORD, N.H. (RNS) — At St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Concord, New Hampshire, the Rev. Jean Beniste, a Haitian immigrant and Episcopal priest turned internet curses into blessings during an annual blessing of the animals, held in honor of St. Francis.

Oversharing her faith is Hindu ‘momfluencer’ Niki Patel’s comfort zone

(RNS) — Instagram content creator Niki Patel gives conscious parenting a Hindu spiritual twist.

Donald Trump’s favorite Bible might be on the way to Oklahoma schools

(RNS) — An Oklahoma Department of Education bid proposal for 55,000 Bibles seems tailor-made for the 'God Bless the USA' Bible due to its mix of religious texts and historical documents. The bid could make the Trump-endorsed Bible an even bigger hit.

Bishop E. Anne Henning Byfield, former president of AME bishops’ council, dies at 74

(RNS) — ‘God can see what you can’t see,’ Byfield preached in a sermon at the African Methodist Episcopal Church General Conference in August.


RNS Opinion

Three steps faith leaders must take on the first anniversary of Oct. 7

(RNS) — We need faith leaders to find their moral voice and the courage of ancient prophets.

Jerry Falwell Jr. is back and it’s bad for everyone

(RNS) — Falwell and school officials have kissed and made up.



Calling it ‘religious duty,’ Jordanians boycott products from Israel-allied countries

(RNS) — The boycott took hold last year, said one Jordanian homemaker, after a saying of the Prophet Muhammad began to circulate on social media: ‘Strive … with your wealth and yourselves and your tongues.’

Church-linked groups are helping South Sudanese refugees live like locals in Uganda

(RNS) — Responding to the crisis, a coalition of church-linked organizations is providing education, skills trainings and farming equipment to help refugees at the camps participate in the local economy and become self-reliant.

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