Wednesday, October 16, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Faith-based environmental groups take on fossil fuels as 'a sacred duty'

RNS Morning Report

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Faith-based environmental groups take on fossil fuels as ‘a sacred duty’

(RNS) — Over the summer GreenFaith, a faith-based environmental activist group, condemned Citigroup investment bank for financing fossil fuel projects, calling the bank’s actions a direct participation in moral wrongdoing.

Religious school choice advocates envision next steps after significant wins

(RNS) — ‘After more than three decades of incremental growth, the tide has turned in the battle for parental choice and education,’ said Nicole Stelle Garnett, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame.

‘The Mystics Would Like a Word’ finds the practical lessons in ancient feminine wisdom

(RNS) — ‘Studying the mystics can help us learn to mine the depths of ourselves and learn how to discern what we trust within ourselves,’ said Shannon Evans of her new book based on the lives of Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Siena, Thérèse of Lisieux and others.

Why Harris and the Democrats may not be able to count on Hindu Americans in November

(RNS) — As Hindu American participation in politics has increased over the past decade, its political affiliations have begun to shift.


RNS Opinion

Was Columbus Jewish? And does it matter?

(RNS) — Was he, or wasn’t he? The question says more about American Jews than about the great explorer himself.

Calling out Donald Trump, perpetrator of evil

(RNS) — It’s time to stop mincing words.


Czech Jews mark first Yom Kippur in historic Prague synagogue since the Holocaust 

(RNS) — Rabbi David Maxa, who organized the observance in one of Prague’s 17th-century synagogues, said the moment ‘is not just a revival of our prayers, but a powerful testament to the resilience and continuity of our tradition.’

Transgender and intersex Catholics ask pope to rethink church stance on gender-affirming care

(RNS) — The meeting was organized after the Vatican issued a document condemning gender-affirming care and gender theory.

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