Tuesday, October 8, 2024

RNS Morning Report: At events across the US, American Jews mark a grim anniversary

RNS Morning Report

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At events across the US, American Jews mark a grim anniversary

NEW YORK (RNS) — Nearly every synagogue, school and Jewish Community Center across the country held memorial and commemoration gatherings.

Cissy Houston, Whitney Houston’s mother and a Grammy-winning singer, dies at 91

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Houston died Monday morning in her New Jersey home while under hospice care for Alzheimer’s disease, her daughter-in-law Pat Houston told The Associated Press.

In Israel, searing grief and a determination to rebuild mark anniversary of Oct. 7

(RNS) — Israelis observe a moment of silence amid the challenges of an ongoing war.

Those who cause war ‘will be subject to the inflexible judgment of God,’ Pope says

(RNS) — Pope Francis called for a day of prayer and fasting on the anniversary of the attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens.

RNS Opinion


What does it mean to remember Oct. 7 — in Poland?

(RNS) — In a land soaked by Jewish tears and blood, a new insight emerges.



Oversharing her faith is Hindu ‘momfluencer’ Niki Patel’s comfort zone

(RNS) — Instagram content creator Niki Patel gives conscious parenting a Hindu spiritual twist.

Bring your pets to church, Haitian immigrant priest tells worshippers. ‘I am not going to eat them … I will bless them.’

CONCORD, N.H. (RNS) — At St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Concord, New Hampshire, the Rev. Jean Beniste, a Haitian immigrant and Episcopal priest turned internet curses into blessings during an annual blessing of the animals, held in honor of St. Francis.

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