Friday, October 11, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Open-door forums finally showcase what Vatican synod is all about

RNS Morning Report

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Open-door forums finally showcase what Vatican synod is all about

(RNS) — Instead of sweeping reform, the synod promises small changes with the potential of changing the culture in the church.

On Yom Kippur, New York Jews plan to publicly mourn Palestinian deaths

(RNS) — The service, part of the afternoon Yom Kippur liturgy called Yizkor, will feature traditional Jewish prayers and a short eulogy by a New York-based Palestinian for her slain Gaza family.

Shirley Hoogstra on leading Christian higher ed through a decade of change

WASHINGTON (RNS) — ‘Families of faith or students who want a particular major or minor or student experience feel freer to pick a campus that matches their values,’ said Hoogstra.

Ray McCauley, founder of South Africa’s largest congregation, dies at 75

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The bodybuilder-turned-pastor led one of the white churches in South Africa that defied apartheid with integrated services.


RNS Opinion

Get thee behind me, Satan. And Christian nationalists.

(RNS) — Like Jesus, Christians should reject calls to embrace power rather than love.

Pope’s Oct. 7 letter citing antisemitic verse is a disaster for Jewish-Catholic relations

(RNS) — Regardless of Francis’ intentions, he invoked a dangerous legacy when he chose John 8:44 to characterize ‘our one true enemy’ in his letter to Middle Eastern Catholics.



Nuns on the Bus tour members say God wants everyone to thrive — so vote accordingly

(RNS) — This year without Sister Simone Campbell, the sisters are being joined by ecumenical and secular partners.

Advocates for women deacons ‘in it for the long run,’ despite Vatican pushback

(RNS) — Pope Francis believes the question of the female diaconate ‘is not yet mature.’ Some women are willing to wait it out.

In Other News


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