Wednesday, October 9, 2024

RNS Morning Report: On Oct. 7, Pittsburgh Jews embrace unity in a divided city

RNS Morning Report

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On Oct. 7, Pittsburgh Jews embrace unity in a divided city

PITTSBURGH (RNS) — Roughly 1,000 people from a range of Jewish denominations stood shoulder to shoulder in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood Monday evening to commemorate the Oct. 7, 2023, massacre in Israel.

Evangelicals for Harris’ anti-Trump Billy Graham ad prompts threat of lawsuit

(RNS) — The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, led by the late evangelist’s son the Rev. Franklin Graham, has said it might sue over the ad’s use of clips from a 1988 Graham sermon.

After months of disarray, Israel elects a Sephardic chief rabbi

(RNS) — The new Sephardic chief rabbi will be Rabbi David Yosef. The vote for the Ashkenazic chief rabbi ended in a tie.

Jemar Tisby on ‘The Spirit of Justice’ and the Black Christians who pursued it

(RNS) — ‘I have a burden to continually remind people that we should be learning from the Black Christian tradition,’ said Tisby.

RNS Opinion

Want to become an organ donor? Here are five questions to consider.

(RNS) — We need more regulation for this great boon for the preservation of human lives.

Pope Francis prepares college of cardinals for next conclave

(RNS) — For the first time in history, a majority of the cardinals at the next conclave will be from outside of Europe.


At events across the US, American Jews mark a grim anniversary

NEW YORK (RNS) — Nearly every synagogue, school and Jewish Community Center across the country held memorial and commemoration gatherings.

In Israel, searing grief and a determination to rebuild mark anniversary of Oct. 7

(RNS) — Israelis observe a moment of silence amid the challenges of an ongoing war.

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