Wednesday, October 2, 2024

RNS Morning Report: In Israel, a tense Rosh Hashana with empty chairs at the holiday table

RNS Morning Report

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In Israel, a tense Rosh Hashana with empty chairs at the holiday table

JERUSALEM (RNS) — Iran’s massive missile attack Tuesday on Israel put a further damper on the holiday. Home Front Command’s decision to limit the number of people who can congregate could make it difficult for many Israelis to attend synagogue services.

Cecelia Williams Bryant, AME Church minister and mentor to clergy, dies at 77

(RNS) — ‘I am not the person I am today without her prayers and love, which have been my north star throughout my life,’ said the Rev. Jamal Bryant of his mother.

Pope Francis leads church in asking forgiveness for its sins on eve of Vatican summit

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — ‘We are only allowed to look down on a person to help them get up,’ Pope Francis told young people at the penitential ceremony.

Pope ends troubled Belgium visit by doubling down on abortion and women and praising abuse victims

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (AP) — Francis used his only Mass in Belgium to publicly demand that priests who abuse young people be punished, and that the church hierarchy stop covering up their crimes. He praised the courage of victims who came forward about their abuse in improvised remarks to a crowd of some 30,000 at Brussels’ King Baudouin stadium.

RNS Opinion

There is a Christian movement to welcome the stranger

(RNS) — A growing number of very diverse Christians are confronting the white Christian nationalism that is supporting Donald Trump.

The God Gap abides, up to a point

(RNS) — But the way we measure it seems increasingly problematic.



In warning for Trump, evangelical Christian leaders urge ‘biblical principles’ on immigration

(RNS) — The letter had cautions for both parties, but its authors appeared especially frustrated by the Trump campaign's recent rhetoric regarding immigration policy and immigrants.

In a sacred time on the Jewish calendar, Israeli rabbid ponder theology of Oct. 7 attack

(RNS) — 'The challenge,' said one rabbi, 'has been the attempt to understand why God did this to us, or where was God on Oct. 7?'

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