Thursday, October 10, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Advocates for women deacons 'in it for the long run,' despite Vatican pushback

RNS Morning Report

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Advocates for women deacons ‘in it for the long run,’ despite Vatican pushback

(RNS) — Pope Francis believes the question of the female diaconate ‘is not yet mature.’ Some women are willing to wait it out.

Nuns on the Bus tour members say God wants everyone to thrive — so vote accordingly

(RNS) — This year without Sister Simone Campbell, the sisters are being joined by ecumenical and secular partners.

Asheville synagogues plan for scaled-down Yom Kippur. Fasting is optional.

(RNS) — Hurricane Helene inundated Asheville and wiped out homes, businesses and roads. Rabbis canceled the evening Yom Kippur prayers but will hold modified services during the day.

Lebanese worldwide fear for their homeland and loved ones as violence escalates

(AP) — Hussein Zeineddine had been on vacation with his family in southern Lebanon when the area was hit by Israeli attacks, he told The Associated Press. He and his family moved to a safer location until they could book flights back to Brazil. “My wife was crying and asking us to leave. We left just with basic items. And then, shortly after, my sister’s house was bombed,” he said after his arrival.

RNS Opinion

Canon lawyers and theologians recommend ways to make synodality more concrete

(RNS) — Pope Francis preaches about synodality, but canon lawyers are showing us how to make it more than a pious wish.

On Rosh Hashana, I heard women weeping

(RNS) — If you listen to the shofar, you might be surprised at what you hear.



Jemar Tisby on ‘The Spirit of Justice’ and the Black Christians who pursued it

(RNS) — ‘I have a burden to continually remind people that we should be learning from the Black Christian tradition,’ said Tisby.

Evangelicals for Harris’ anti-Trump Billy Graham ad prompts threat of lawsuit

(RNS) — The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, led by the late evangelist’s son the Rev. Franklin Graham, has said it might sue over the ad’s use of clips from a 1988 Graham sermon.

In Other News


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