Tuesday, October 1, 2024

RNS Morning Report: In warning for Trump, evangelical Christian leaders urge 'biblical principles' on immigration

RNS Morning Report

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In warning for Trump, evangelical Christian leaders urge ‘biblical principles’ on immigration

(RNS) — The letter had cautions for both parties, but its authors appeared especially frustrated by the Trump campaign's recent rhetoric regarding immigration policy and immigrants.

Despite Vatican’s evasions on ordination, women demand answers at upcoming synod

RNS — Pope Francis' Synod on synodality allowed for unprecedented discussions on the future of women in the church.

In a sacred time on the Jewish calendar, Israeli clerics ponder theology of Oct. 7 attack

(RNS) — 'The challenge,' said one rabbi, 'has been the attempt to understand why God did this to us, or where was God on Oct. 7?'

Vance, at Christian nationalist revival, says immigration stance is in keeping with faith

(RNS) — Vance’s remarks seemed aimed at quelling some of the controversy that sprang up after he and Donald Trump accused Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, of eating townspeople’s pets.


RNS Opinion

In Poland, you don’t have to be Jewish to love Jewish culture

(RNS) — A day at one of the greatest Jewish museums in the world grabbed my gut and my soul.

In search of a Christian political method

(RNS) — On both sides of the aisle, when it comes to evangelicals, there is a distinct approach to voting that needs reexamination.


In a time of questioning, younger Jews turn to their faith’s contemplative side

(RNS) — Jewish mindfulness programs have begun to attract Jews seeking new ways of connecting with their Jewish identity.

What experts say Harris’ decision to skip Al Smith Dinner reveals about Catholic vote

(RNS) — Since 1984, three of nine Al Smith Dinners in presidential election years have been held without either presidential candidate.

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