Friday, October 4, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Rome feels the bustle of returning synod delegates as Catholics wait for action

RNS Morning Report

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Rome feels the bustle of returning synod delegates as Catholics wait for action

(RNS) — While this month’s discussions in Rome may be robust and equitable, many observers — Catholic or otherwise — wonder what has been achieved beyond talk.

Calling it ‘religious duty,’ Jordanians boycott products from Israel-allied countries

(RNS) — The boycott took hold last year, said one Jordanian homemaker, after a saying of the Prophet Muhammad began to circulate on social media: ‘Strive … with your wealth and yourselves and your tongues.’

Church-linked groups are helping South Sudanese refugees live like locals in Uganda

(RNS) — Responding to the crisis, a coalition of church-linked organizations is providing education, skills trainings and farming equipment to help refugees at the camps participate in the local economy and become self-reliant.

Facing more clergy abuse lawsuits, Vermont’s Catholic Church files for bankruptcy

(AP) — Celeste Laramie, an attorney representing about a third of the plaintiffs in the lawsuits, said the filing "is more reflective of moral bankruptcy than actual financial bankruptcy, particularly in light of the estimated $500 million of assets it has attempted to hide from survivors of its sexual abuse.”

RNS Opinion

Latin American Catholics favor women priests more than married priests

(RNS) — Those supporting women priests have done a much better job convincing the laity in Latin America than have those who favor optional celibacy. 

Black Pentecostal and charismatic Christians are boosting their visibility in politics

(The Conversation) — Historically, Black Pentecostal-charismatic churches have not put an emphasis on political issues. That may be changing, a scholar of Black Christianity explains.



In North Carolina, sound of chainsaws brings hope as faith-based workers clear roads

(RNS) — While emergency officials continue to search for victims of Hurricane Helene, faith-based groups start the long, slow cleanup efforts.

In Chicago, one congregation finds fealty to Israel intolerable

(RNS) — At no time in the past 50 years has the rejection of Zionism received as much of a hearing among American Jews as this past year. Tzedek Chicago has led the way.

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