Tuesday, December 17, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Trump's cabinet selections represent an unusual slice of American religious life

RNS Morning Report

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Trump’s cabinet selections represent an unusual slice of American religious life

(RNS) — Trump's cabinet selection includes everything from pastors to Catholic converts to one nominee who credits their spiritual rebirth to a book by a Swiss psychiatrist.

Religious traditions can help with holiday blues, mental health experts say

(RNS) — 'During the holidays, we are practicing relational spirituality and engaging in our awakened brain,' said one professor of psychology.

Spiritual Literacy Month is one couple’s legacy of right intention

(RNS) — Mary Ann Brussat and her husband, Frederic, introduced 'Spiritual Literacy Month' back in the 1990s. They're still at it.

3 dead, others injured in a shooting at a private Christian school in Wisconsin

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes offered no details about the victims but said other people were wounded at Abundant Life Christian School, a K-12 school with about 390 students.


RNS Opinion

A Christmas miracle in Syria

(RNS) — Assad was the King Herod of our time. Like Herod, he slaughtered the innocent.

‘Wicked’: A midrash on ‘The Wizard of Oz’

(RNS) — Not surprisingly, many midrashim — these imagined Torah backstories — are about women.



Episcopal Bishop Prince Singh suspended but not deposed after Title IV investigation concludes

(RNS) — Singh's son called the outcome 'a tragic conclusion to what has been a deeply painful and retraumatizing process.'

Latest Vatican mystery surrounds missing keffiyeh from Palestinian nativity

(RNS) — The appearance of a keffiyeh on a Palestinian-made nativity scene at the Vatican caused a stir. So did its sudden disappearance.

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