Tuesday, December 10, 2024

RNS Morning Report: From DC to the Vatican, baby Jesus is wearing a keffiyeh

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

From DC to the Vatican, baby Jesus is wearing a keffiyeh  

(RNS) — The pro-Palestinian creche is intended to point out the disconnect between the idealized Bethlehem of most representations and the reality in present-day Gaza and the West Bank.

Most congregations avoid discussing politics, new study shows

(RNS) — Even if members are politically active and many leaders are often outspoken about issues and candidates they support, most congregations make great efforts to keep politics out of the church when they gather.

At Vatican Christmas tree lighting, Pope Francis calls attention to sustainability

(RNS) — Assuring the crowd of the sustainable harvesting of the tree, the pope compared the rings in the 98-foot-tall tree to the generations of believers gathering around the single image of Jesus.

Australian leader blames antisemitism for arson that extensively damaged a Melbourne synagogue

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — The blaze in the Adass Israel Synagogue is an escalation in targeted attacks in Australia since the war began between Israel and Hamas last year.


RNS Opinion

Both right and left claim Bonhoeffer as a champion. Here’s why his ideas fit neither.

(RNS) — Bonhoeffer matters precisely because he reminds us that Christian behavior and attitudes are more than calculations for a partisan edge.

Memo to God on the future of humanity

(RNS) — Leaked minutes from the Archangel Committee on the Future of Earth, a RNS exclusive.



New crop of cardinals cements Pope Francis’ legacy of diversity and global dialogue

(RNS) — The pope has now handpicked 80% of the cardinals who will elect his successor.

Obama makes plea for pluralism, citing interfaith partnerships, megachurches

(RNS) — ‘The pluralist ideal is what allows a Christian church and Muslim mosque to sit side by side on the same city block — and then maybe agree to share a parking lot,’ he said.

In Other News


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