Tuesday, December 3, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Congregations, agencies race to resettle refugees ahead of Trump inauguration

RNS Morning Report

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Congregations, agencies race to resettle refugees ahead of Trump inauguration

DURHAM (RNS) — Donald Trump returns to the White House on Jan. 20, after which the US policy of admitting refugees is expected to be cut back, if not entirely eliminated.

At rabbis’ conference in New York, grief and resilience over colleague’s murder in Middle East

(RNS) — The murder of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, an emissary of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, was mourned by Jews around the world, but most of all by the rabbis affiliated with the sect meeting in Brooklyn in recent days.

A 40-year-old Christian commune faces an uncertain future 

HARDWICK, Mass. (RNS) — Approaching their 80s, peace activists Brayton and Suzanne Shanley wonder what’s next for the nonviolent lay Christian community they built from the ground up 37 years ago. 

T.D. Jakes speaks to church via video week after health emergency that led to surgery

(RNS) — In his seven-minute remarks via video a week later, Jakes said he would be following doctor’s orders to rest.


RNS Opinion

How do pastors lead amid cultural division?

(RNS) — Leaders in these times need to be curious about those we're trying to reach and to grow in our ability to disagree well.

‘Moana 2’: Disney’s holiday gift from the gods

(RNS) — 'Moana 2,' which set a new record for Thanksgiving weekend box office receipts, is another step for Disney in broadening its faith palette.



Pope Francis’ eco-village to promote ecological conversion at 2025 Jubilee

(RNS) — Pilgrims and visitors will walk through an immersive experience of the pope’s zero-waste farm and gardens.

In Darien Gap, Latino Protestant leaders see migrant journey firsthand

(RNS) — The trip, taken just days after President-elect Donald Trump won a second term in the U.S., brought 25 Latino Protestant leaders and pastors to Panama to help them understand the experiences of migrants who may later arrive in their communities.

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