Wednesday, December 18, 2024

RNS Morning Report: In blue Maryland, some religious parents find hope in Trump's position on education

RNS Morning Report

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In blue Maryland, some religious parents find hope in Trump’s position on education

(RNS) — Religious residents have swung to the right due to a fight over curriculum changes that introduce LGBTQ subject matter to elementary age students.

New documentary tells America’s story of religious freedom

(RNS) – ‘The film humanizes that history through the stories of brave citizens who defended the right to exercise their most deeply held beliefs,’ explained co-director John Paulson.

Takeaways from AP’s reporting on a child sex abuse crisis inside a secretive Christian sect

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The Associated Press interviewed more than a dozen current and former members, workers and experts, and reviewed letters, court documents and other records supporting the allegations.

Trump’s cabinet selections represent an unusual slice of American religious life

(RNS) — Trump's cabinet selection includes everything from pastors to Catholic converts to one nominee who credits their spiritual rebirth to a book by a Swiss psychiatrist.

RNS Opinion

The barbarians are coming and they may be us

(RNS) — A strange and prophetic poem written in 1898 tells us much about our lives as we approach Inauguration Day.

‘Abbott Elementary’ puts on a holiday show for everyone

(RNS) — ABC’s award-winning show offers a model for how to make room for religious and cultural differences at the holidays.



Religious traditions can help with holiday blues, mental health experts say

(RNS) — 'During the holidays, we are practicing relational spirituality and engaging in our awakened brain,' said one professor of psychology.

Spiritual Literacy Month is one couple’s legacy of right intention

(RNS) — Mary Ann Brussat and her husband, Frederic, introduced 'Spiritual Literacy Month' back in the 1990s. They're still at it.

In Other News


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