Thursday, December 12, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Faith leaders, activists, the pope urge Biden to empty federal death row before Trump term

RNS Morning Report

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Faith leaders, activists, the pope urge Biden to empty federal death row before Trump term

(RNS) — Activists and faith leaders hope to save the lives of 40 federal death row inmates, fearing Donald Trump would authorize an ‘execution spree’ after taking office.

For feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe, activist devotees adorn Mary with Palestinian symbols

(RNS) — The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose feast day falls on Dec. 12, has emerged as a symbol among Latino activists and artists in the U.S. and Mexico of their support for Palestinians in Gaza.

On Gita Jayanti, Hare Krishnas celebrate the birth of the sacred text Bhagavad Gita

(RNS) — On Wednesday (Dec. 11), many Hindus celebrated Gita Jayanti, the day that they believe Lord Krishna spoke the words of the Bhagavad Gita to the Indian Prince Arjuna more than 5,000 years ago.

After disastrous farewell speech, Archbishop of Canterbury goes quiet for holidays

LONDON (RNS) — One victim of abuse said of Welby’s speech, ‘I have never come across anyone so tone-deaf.’


RNS Opinion

Are Jews God-phobic? With Arnold Eisen

(RNS) — If you encounter someone who wants to talk about God, odds are that person isn't Jewish. Why?

The Double Arch is gone, but God’s love is here to stay

(RNS) — When rocks themselves fall away, we need assurance that there is one constant amid the impermanence.



Indigenous leaders bring first case under Texas’ COVID-19-era religious liberty measure

(RNS) — In oral arguments before the state Supreme Court, Texas’ deputy solicitor general argued that the amendment was ‘not a Swiss Army knife of religious liberty’ and that ‘the amendment’s scope is designed to protect the right to gather,’ not to protect sacred spaces themselves.

Breaking with tradition, Kenyan church leaders refuse politicians’ cash donations

(RNS) — Catholic and Protestant leaders have objected that contributions from the government challenge their independence and make them complicit in corruption.

In Other News


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