Thursday, December 19, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Olivet University loses its license to operate in California but says it will remain open

RNS Morning Report

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Christian Olivet University loses its license to operate in California but says it will remain open

(RNS) — Olivet blames its woes on a long-running feud with the owners of Newsweek, former members of a sect led by David Jang, a controversial Korean minister and founder of the college.

Report ranks countries where religion faces highest government and social persecution

(RNS) — The Pew Research Center’s annual report on government restrictions on religion highlights that governmental attacks on religion and social hostility toward religion usually ‘go hand in hand.’

Madison faith communities gather for candlelight vigil for school shooting victims

MADISON, Wis. (RNS) — Hundreds of people gathered at the Wisconsin state Capitol on Tuesday evening (Dec. 17), holding candles for the victims of Monday's shooting at the Abundant Life Christian School.

Pennsylvania’s Bethlehem: The city founded by Moravians on Christmas eve keeps its traditions alive

BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) — The Moravian Church is one of the world's oldest Protestant denominations. Its name comes from the historical provinces of Bohemia and Moravia in what is now the Czech Republic.

RNS Opinion

Faith communities must protest Trump’s deportation plans

(RNS) — U.S. faith communities have long served as the moral compass of the nation in moments of crisis.

The 4B movement’s purity culture vibe is no answer to Trumpism

(RNS) — A U.S. version of 4B is akin to evangelical Christian purity culture, mixed with old-fashioned talk about the battle of the sexes.



New documentary tells America’s story of religious freedom

(RNS) – ‘The film humanizes that history through the stories of brave citizens who defended the right to exercise their most deeply held beliefs,’ explained co-director John Paulson.

In blue Maryland, some religious parents find hope in Trump’s position on education

(RNS) — Religious residents have swung to the right due to a fight over curriculum changes that introduce LGBTQ subject matter to elementary age students.

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