How much richer might our theological understandings be if we bring to scripture the wide and diverse perspectives and lived experiences of an Intercultural Church? In this final story in our Intercultural series, Bethany Broadstock shares four take-away insights inspired by a presentation from Rev Assoc Prof Monica Melanchthon to the Intercultural Forum in the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania on the imperative to hear ‘voices from the margins'. Bethany writes, "As much as anything else, we are called to cross the boundaries of our perspectives – to recognise that both yours and mine are shaped by a depth of faith and insight from which we can both learn. That does not mean we will always agree, but that disagreeing loses its power to separate." In making space for those who discern God’s word through their experience of race, class, caste, gender, migrant status, disability, sexuality or marginalisation, we may find things we’ve never seen before in places where we’ve never had the heart, courage or awareness to look. |
 | In welcoming an ambitious Government plan to end gender-based violence within a generation, Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis and Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer have called on all parts of the community and the church to play a role. Rev Hollis and Ms Geyer are Ambassadors for Thursdays in Black, a global ecumenical campaign that encourages people to speak out against all forms of gender-based violence. Find helpful links and resources to start a conversation in your community. |
 | Welcome to the Year of Matthew! The Assembly's 2022-23 Lectionary leaflet is now available. It includes an introduction to Preaching in the Year of Matthew by Assembly National Consultant Rev Lindsay Cullen, along with helpful links for preachers. The leaflet is available for sale in printed form from MediaCom Education and can be downloaded as a PDF. |
 | This weekend, 22 October, marks the fourth anniversary of the National Apology to Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. We invite local communities to use the Liturgy of Acknowledgement and Lament which is available for marking the day in worship, and to read the joint statement from the Assembly, UCA Redress and the National Safe Church Unit which reaffirms our commitment to be a safe place for all people. |
 | Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress Interim National Chair Rev Mark Kickett were among 100 religious leaders from Australia and the Pacific who last week called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to put an end to new coal and gas projects.The letter was released as multi-faith services were held in churches and worship spaces across the nation as part of the global #Faiths4ClimateJustice campaign. |
 | There's less than three weeks to go until applications close for the 2023 National Young Adult Leaders Conference (NYALC) to be held from 26-29 January in Victoria. Don't miss the opportunity to join a unique national community of young people gathering with key UCA leaders to build leadership skills, nurture faith and grow discipleship. Applications are open until 7 November. Who can you encourage to attend? |
 | This webinar on 8 November is your opportunity to hear all about the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches from a number of Uniting Church people who were present, including our official delegates, Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis and General Secretary Colleen Geyer. Together with other UCA participants in the Assembly, they'll reflect on highlights of their time at the gathering and the justice and Christian unity statements that were made. |
 | Watch this vlog from Assembly National Consultant Rev Dr Apwee Ting reporting from the Asia regional gathering of the Global Christian Forum (GCF) in Seoul, South Korea. The gathering reflected on the theme "faithfulness in the multi-faith context" and provided space for leaders from a diverse communion of churches to encounter each other's unique insights and share stories of faith. |
 | UnitingCare Australia is urging the Federal Government to address the rising cost of living for lower-income earners and ensure older Australians are supported by a sustainable, high-quality aged care sector in the October Budget. National Director Claerwen Little says the Budget is an opportunity to rebalance the economy by strengthening social infrastructure and investing in people. |
 | In the first of three short conversations, the Assembly Resourcing Unit's Rev Linsday Cullen chats with Rev Will Nicholas about engaging with pop culture, how faith and fiction relate, and why one would try to build a podcasting empire! Here comes the fifth episode of R&R with the ARU. |
 | UnitingCare has provided feedback on the first consultation paper for a new regulatory model for Aged Care, calling for a modern, fit-for-purpose regulatory model for aged care. The submission calls for four pillars of regulation: clear responsibilities, community endorsed standards, purposeful legislation and financial sustainability. |
 | Uniting Friends of Ageing is hosting a conversation with Ian Yates AM. Ian Yates is retiring after a distinguished career as the Chief Executive of the Council on the Ageing Australia. Uniting Friends of Ageing members are interested in learning more about consumer advocacy, either for themselves, friends or family members. Join them at 4.00 pm AEDT, Tuesday 1 November via Zoom. Contact Warren Talbot at for the Zoom details. |
 | The latest Children & Families Ministry Update from Chris Barnett in the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania has lots of great events and resources to help you engage kids in worship, mark All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day and begin planning for the season of Advent. |
 | Pacific Theological College, Fiji, is now taking applications for four Masters of Theology scholarships. Offered in partnership with UnitingWorld and the Presbyterian Church USA, the scholarships are part of a strategic commitment to equip exceptional Pasifika students and scholars, particularly women, for transformative leadership in the church and world. They are open to Pasifika peoples living in the Pacific, New Zealand and Australia. Apply by 31 October. |
Pilbara Patrol Remote Area Bush Chaplain The Synod of Western Australia invites expressions of interest from Ministers or Pastors for the vacant placement of Pilbara Patrol Bush Chaplain, which offers emotional, physical and spiritual care and support to people living in this remote area in the north of Western Australia. Head of Programs - UnitingWorld UnitingWorld's Head of Programs is a pivotal, forward-thinking, strategic and creative role tasked with leading and managing its International Programs team. Lead incredible programs in some of the most at-need places across the world. |
Join us in prayer for - Communities across Victoria, Tasmania, NSW and Queensland who have been impacted by flooding. We pray for the safety of those in danger, care for those facing loss and strength for those responding on the ground.
- An Intercultural Church that makes space for diverse perspectives in reading the Bible. As we engage with scripture, may we be open to learning new truths from unexpected directions as we seek to follow the God of life and work for a just and reconciled world.
- Survivors of child sexual abuse and their families. We pray for justice, for strength and healing as the Church marks the fourth anniversary of the National Apology to Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse.
- Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.
What are your hopes for an Intercultural Church? |
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