What Role Will Religion Play in the Midterm Primaries? By Quardricos Driskell, Columnist
 The midterm election season is upon us. What hangs in the backdrop is a fragile economy, inflation, an ongoing public health crisis, and significant legislative accomplishments for President Biden and the 117thCongress. These factors make it unpredictable to determine which political party will lead Congress. Read More Here |
New Life for Aging Bodies: How God Renews Through Christ The Reverend Dr. Jason Curry, Columnist
 While reading a book on psychology to help a family in need, I stumbled across an insight made by Erik Erikson regarding the stages of life. According to Erikson, “Integrity vs. Despair” is the final stage of our psychosocial development. It is a blessing to grow older, and as we grow older, we will be unable to escape the following question: Will we continue to live lives of integrity, or will the natural course of life cause us to fall victim to grips of despair? Today, I want to spend a moment encouraging those who are in a fight to maintain their integrity and sense of connection with God as they mature physically in this life. Read More Here |
I’ve Got Nothing But the Holy Ghost” By Rev. Christopher W. Riley, Pastor, New Community AME, LaPorte, Indiana 
The lyrics to this Gospel Classic recorded by the late great Rev. Milton Brunson and The Thompson Community Choir rang out in Turner Chapel on Sunday, June 5, 2022. The Indiana Conference of the Fourth Episcopal District made history by hosting its first combined Pentecost Service. Local congregations celebrated Pentecost in their morning services and were able to come together with other members from across the state to commemorate the birth of the church.
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The Collaboration and Partnership Dr. Herman Kelly, Contributing Writer
 On Friday, August 26, 2022, Bishop Stafford Wicker, Supervisor Constance Wicker, clergy of the Louisiana Conference, and the faculty and administrators from Louisiana State University began a historic partnership. Bishop Wicker and the clergy from The Western New Orleans Baton Rouge District met at the Honors College at Louisiana State University. We were all greeted by Dr. Martin, Assistant Dean, Dr. Roland Mitchell, Dean of Education, Dr. Earle, Dean of The Honors College, and Dr. Becker's chair of African American Studies Department. Read More Here |
Has The Passion Passed? By John Wm. Roberts, ED.D., Contributing Writer
 One of the greatest joys of a worship service is the singing which occurs–the blending of voices sincerely praising the blessing of God in their lives. This blending is not only of the choirs but also of the congregation. I recently read an article from a religious organization that asked a similar question. Unfortunately, many churches have gone the way of ‘performance-based religious worship’ versus ‘participatory-based religious worship.’
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Dobbs v. Jackson Ruling Draws the Ire of DMV Black Clergywomen By Rev. Samuel Williams, Jr., Contributing Writer
What many Americans feared came to fruition when the conservative Supreme Court–heavily influenced by former President Donald Trump’s selections, ruled 5-4 on June 24, 2022, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (JWHO) that the Constitution of the United States does not confer a right to abortion. The Dobbs case reversed the Roe v. Wade decision even though the Roe v. Wade decision was based on the 14th Amendment. In 1973, a liberal Supreme Court voted 7-2, ruling that a woman is entitled to privacy in the matter of abortion and was not subject to federal or state laws.
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Members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Participate in World Council of Churches Assembly; Dr. Jennifer Leath, elected to WCC Central Committee
By Rev. Jazmine Brooks, News Editor
From August 31 to September 9, Christians from all across the globe gathered to celebrate the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe, Germany. Formed in 1948, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is the world’s largest ecumenical body. It represents over 500 million Christians in 350 denominations across various Christian communions, including Anglicans, Baptists, Independents, Methodists, Reformed, Orthodox, Pentecostals, and several other traditions. The Assembly is convened every eight years, with the last Assembly taking place in Busan, Korea, in 2013. Read More Here |
TCR Contributing Writer Loses everything in Parsonage Fire |
Morristown Rallies Again to help Bethel rebound from Misfortune By Kevin Couglin |
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The Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors (The BSFDCK and I) By Evangelist Dr. Val Eloby-Slade
 The Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors (BSFDCK and I) has led the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s Annual Connectional Day of Prayer for twelve years. This annual day takes place on April 13th with a one-hour prayer covering. There have been domestic and international subjects covered during this one hour of praying and exaltation to include children's concerns and matters for our schools, political leadership, religious leadership covering, and oppression of people domestically and internationally, human trafficking, injustices, profiling, discrimination, and many other prayer concerns.
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The Department of Research and Scholarship Announcement
 The Department of Research and Scholarship is proud to announce Rev. Kimberley L. Detherage. Esq. has agreed to become the new Assistant Editor of The A.M.E. Review. Rev. Detherage is a graduate of Boston College with a BA degree in Speech Communications, Boston College Law School, Juris Doctor and Emory University, Candler School of Theology, Master of Divinity degree with Certificates in Black Church Studies and Women’s Studies. She has five units of Clinical Pastoral Education, has completed several fellowship programs, and written and presented on a wide variety of topic. She pastors St. Marks A.M.E. Church, serves as Dean of the New York Conference Ministerial Institute, is Vice-Chairperson of the First District Board of Examiners, is Secretary of the New York Conference Board of Trustees and works on various Community and Advisory Boards.
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‘Honk for Jesus’ Provides an Uncomfortable Reflection of the Black Church (Commentary) By Candice Marie Benbow
 If you’ve spent any considerable length of time in a traditional Black church context, you’ve heard this. It’s usually said by a preacher when they know a sermon is hitting a little too close to home and the typical “Preach, Bishop!” or “Take your time, pastor!” call-and-response has gone silent. “It’s tight but it’s right,” many would say as they watch parishioners shift in their seats while hearing “Thus saith the Lord.” Read More Here |
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