Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis has launched a national appeal to support communities across Australia impacted by flooding. Victoria continues to be engulfed by flooding, with tens of thousands of people impacted across the state. Yesterday, flash flooding inundated homes and businesses in Melbourne and major flooding of townships along the Murray River is expected to continue. At the same time, communities in NSW, Tasmania, Queensland and South Australia have been impacted by the extreme weather. “We pray for all people impacted by the recent floods and those who are coming alongside them to provide immediate relief and care," said Rev Hollis. The National Disaster Relief Fund is used to support people to rebuild both physically and emotionally, in the short and long term. |
 | The Uniting Church Assembly welcomes the Federal Government’s commitment to prioritise climate action and to implement the key asks of the Uluru Statement in its revised Budget released last night. Read our full response highlighting investment in women, families, children, older Australians, a boost to international development funding and increased funding for disaster response. |
 | This week we begin a new series reflecting the Assembly's strategic priority of being an Intergenerational Church. First up, we take you to Eaglehawk Uniting Church in the historic goldfield city of Bendigo where the community is discovering the joys of bringing young and old together in new ways. Minister Rev Cynthia Page shares how she was inspired to think about 'Intergenerational Preaching' after joining a discussion group on the book A Gospel for All Ages by David Csinos. |
 | The Assembly is delighted to announce two new appointments to the Act2 Project Unit: Rev Erik Lennestål as Act2 Project and Research Officer and Rev Cyrus Kung as Act2 Administration Officer. Both Erik and Cyrus will bring important skills, insights and qualifications to the Act2 team as it implements the work commissioned by the 16th Assembly. A new website for the Act2 Project will be launched next week, so make sure you're subscribed to National Update and following us on social media to get the news as it happens! |
 | As an Intergenerational Church we’re committed to crossing generational boundaries to nurture each other in faith, recognise each others gifts and companion each other in discipleship. The National Young Adult Leaders Conference (NYALC) is one way we do this for emerging young leaders in the Uniting Church. The next one is coming up in January 2023. Tapping someone on the shoulder to apply could be one simple way to empower the young people in your community or region. Who might you invite? Applications close 7 November! |
 | 'Walking Together,' the inaugural First Nations Theology Conference held on 22 October delved into the theology of stolen land and what it means for the Uniting Church to acknowledge the dispossession and colonisation of First Australians. Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) Interim National Chairperson Rev Mark Kickett was one of four keynote speakers alongside Dr Anne Pattel-Gray, Rev Dr Garry Deverell and Naomi Wolfe. Read this report from the Synod of NSW/ACT. |
 | Editor Rev John Squires introduces the next quarterly publication of With Love to the World which for the first time features an all-women list of contributors. The publication consists of short commentaries on the biblical passages offered in the Revised Common Lectionary. This edition also draws upon the recently-created Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church by Professor Wilda C. Gafney. |
 | When over 600 delegates gathered for the World Council of Churches Assembly earlier this year they made important statements about many peace and justice issues including the war in Ukraine, human rights in West Papua, reconciliation on the Korean peninsula and peace in the Middle East. Join a number of Uniting Church people who were at the Assembly for this webinar where they'll share all about the highlights of the gathering. Register to join via Zoom on Tuesday 8 November from 7:00pm AEDT. |
 | Did you know that changing where you invest your money could be the most effective action you can take to help combat climate change? The Uniting Climate Action Network in the Synod of NSW/ACT is offering a free online seminar on personal divestment where you can learn more about investing for a safer climate future. Join online on Thursday 3 November from 7:00-8:30pm AEDT. |
 | New comprehensive research released by UnitingCare Australia and the Centre for Social Research and Methods at the Australian National University has revealed the true financial pressure currently faced by households around the country. UnitingCare Australia National Director Claerwen Little said the report is yet more evidence that immediate solutions are needed to address the cost of living, particularly for younger and more vulnerable households. |
 | Right now new Frontier Services Bush Chaplain Noel Williams is supporting communities weathering worsening flood conditions in Narrabri, NSW. Read about how Noel feels called to serve as a chaplain, coming alongside people in their joys and struggles. |
Join us in prayer for - The family, friends and community of Noongar boy Cassius Turvey, who tragically died after he was brutally bashed in Perth. Cassius is the nephew of Rev Mark Kickett, Interim National Chair of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress. We pray for justice, for healing and for love to surround those who will miss him dearly.
- Our Intergenerational Church, called by God to share life and faith across generations, and those making space for these relationships to grow.
- Those who are working to discern through policies and budgets how our money can serve the most vulnerable among us, and the flourishing of all people and creation.
- Australian communities impacted by extreme weather and flooding. We pray for safety from danger, comfort and community in loss and recovery and those responding and caring on the ground.
- The Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Sint Maarten, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.
How do you do Intergenerational worship in your community? |
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