A Private Journey By Byron Washington, Columnist
 Few things are private. People post and share everything happening in their lives on social media. If the person is a social media personality, then it makes sense, or if a person’s business depends on social media, then being extremely visible is logical. We have become obsessed with showing the world all aspects of our lives. In the age of technology where every church is live streaming, moments that used to be personal are now broadcast around the internet. We live in a time when a person’s worship can become a meme, or a praise of thanksgiving goes viral for the wrong reasons. Brothers and sisters, some parts of our journey should be private. Read More Here
Pan African Women of Faith Advocate to Prevent Malnutrition By Rev. Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith
 “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her.” Luke 1:45
Recently, the Pan African Women of Faith/Pan African Women’s Ecumenical Empowerment Network (PAW/PAWEEN) presented a workshop, exhibition, and reception at the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Assembly included many member churches and partners of Bread for the World. Approximately 25 global members of PAW/PAWEEN represented the group in person. They were blessed with sponsorships from their churches and other partners to participate in this. Read More Here |
Dr. Brenda Kaye Miller Thompson Observes National Gun Violence Awareness And Prevention Wear Orange Weekend (June 3-5, 2022) In Honor Of Her Beloved Son, Cortlandt Gerard Thompson
By Dr. Brenda Kaye Miller Thompson, 8th Episcopal District 
My beloved son, Cortlandt Gerard Thompson, was a fifth-generation AME. He traveled to all of the AME meetings from infancy as I did with my mother, the late Mrs. Lena Simmons Miller, a third-generation AME, and WMS Life Member. As a highlight, Cortlandt was the youngest observer (4 months old) at the 1981 World Methodist Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, where his parents, the Rev. Dr. Taylor Tyrone Thompson, and Dr. Brenda Kaye Miller Thompson, were members of the AME delegation. Read More Here |
Down the Road Rev. Renita Green, Columnist
 On July 14, 1865, Bishop Daniel Payne preached the dedication of Holy Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church, Wilberforce, Ohio. Its founders planted Holy Trinity for the students and faculty of Wilberforce College. In 1953, President Stokes invited the congregation to make her home in the newly built Chapel of the Living Savior at Payne Seminary. The membership has ebbed and flowed. Today, the members are aging, the neighborhood is changing, and the church no longer has a visible presence in the community. Read More Here |
God Is Still Looking For Men To Stand In The Gap By Rev. Gregory E. Singleton
 Put simply, we live in perilous times, maybe even unprecedented times. The devil is unleashing fury on the earth as we have never seen before. From the havoc the weather is causing worldwide to the strain that the pandemic has placed on individuals, families, and businesses to the seeming freedom for some groups to voice their negative (hear: segregationist) opinions and actions. And please know I have yet to mention wars and rumors of wars and the growing revelation of just how many mentally ill persons are among us and mentally ill persons with guns and knives running from school to school, mall to mall, home to home, even from church to church.
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2022 Vacation Bible School By Dr. Thalia Love-Brown, Director of Christian Education, Ninth Episcopal District
The St. John Christian Education Department hosted a “Food Truck Party” for this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS). Vacation Bible School was held Thursday through Saturday, July 21-23, 2022, with the theme Food Truck Party: On a Roll with God! The Top Chef for the food trucks was Dr. Thalia F. Love, with the Reverend Maurice Wright, II serving as the Spiritual Health Inspector. Assisting with the daily nourishment were sous chefs Sister Lillie Rivers, adults; Sister Bernetta Pride, upper elementary and teens; Sister Kay Adkins, younger elementary; and Brother Willie J. Sandifer, media. Also assisting with the provision of suitable nourishment were the members of the Soup Kitchen Ministry, Sisters Stephanie Scott, Mary Allen, Maeola Peoples, Paulette Williams, and Rosemary Wells. A special thank you to Brothers Bobby Adkins and Guy Ginn for their grill skills on Saturday.
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The Imposter Within Rev. Dr. Alfonso Wyatt, Columnist
I was at an event to offer words about a colleague in the youth development field retiring. Right before I was to speak, a woman came over to me and said she remembered me from her teen years. She said that one of her friends I had known since the 80s recently died. I was crestfallen. As soon as I got home, I called the best friend of the deceased, Sonice (not her real name), and got the sad details. We laughed, reminisced, and cried for our departed sister, friend—and mentee. Sonice, by all accounts, is successful, so it was surprising when out of nowhere during our conversation, she said, “Uncle Fonzo (that is what I told all young people to this day to call me) when you first met us, we were all messed up. Given what I have been through growing up, I have to admit that sometimes I feel like an imposter.” Read More Here |
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AME Zion Church Suspends Bishop Seth O. Lartey as an Active Bishop of the AME Zion Church
 This serves as official notification that pursuant to our authority granted under Paragraph 128 in the Book of Discipline, the Board of Bishops announces the immediate suspension of Seth O. Lartey as an active Bishop of The A.M.E. Zion Church.
This action is taken due to Bishop Lartey’s failure to comply with the terms he agreed upon to resolve the issue of inappropriate use of funds allocated from the Connectional Budget Office to Lomax-Hannon Junior College.
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Paula Clark Consecrated 13th Bishop of Chicago
 The Rt. Rev. Paula E. Clark was ordained and consecrated as the 13th bishop of the Diocese of Chicago on Sept. 17 at the Westin Chicago Lombard in Lombard, Illinois. Clark is the first Black person and first woman to serve as Chicago’s diocesan bishop. She leads more than 30,000 Episcopalians in 124 congregations and campus ministries across northern and west central Illinois. Read More Here |
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