Friday, April 12, 2024

RNS Morning Report: The worship of Shiva, Hinduism’s ‘inconceivable’ deity, finds a home in the tech sector

RNS Morning Report

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The worship of Shiva, Hinduism’s ‘inconceivable’ deity, finds a home in the tech sector

(RNS) — Often cast as the most transcendent sect of Hinduism, Shaivism’s appeal to scientific-minded Hindus is becoming more visible.

Experts call for Vatican judicial reforms to promote transparency and a fair trial

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Speakers at the conference said the institution still has a lot to do to better inform victims during canonical trials.

Documentary portrays asylum-seeking family helped by a Seattle synagogue

(RNS) — ‘All We Carry’ follows a Honduran couple and their son as they make their way from Mexico to Seattle, where they settle for three years until an immigration court hears their asylum claim.

3 shot and 5 in custody after gunfire disrupts Philadelphia Eid event, police say

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The annual Eid al-Fitr event, held outside a large mosque in the city's Parkside neighborhood, came to a sudden end when some 30 shots rang out at about 2:30 p.m.

RNS Opinion

Matthew Johnson Harris uses faith to leverage the theater’s power to heal

(RNS) — Bringing faith into the theater world, not to proselytize but to invite conversations about identity and hurt.

The death penalty says more about us than the condemned

(RNS) — I should know. I’ve been a death row pastor for 45 years.


Baptist leaders urge House Speaker Mike Johnson to support Ukrainian Christians

(RNS) — ‘We believe that God has put you in this position “for such a time as this,”’ Southern Baptist and Ukrainian Baptist officials wrote the speaker.

For Irish Muslims, Eid al-Fitr is a ‘mixture of happiness and sadness,’ as all eyes on Gaza

DUBLIN (RNS) — ‘The mind can never be clear from the sadness over what is happening in Gaza,’ said a spokesperson for the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland.

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