Wednesday, April 10, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Christians arrested after shutting down Senate lunch in protest of Gaza famine

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Dozens of Christians arrested after shutting down Senate lunch in protest of Gaza famine

WASHINGTON (RNS) — The protest, organized by Christians for a Free Palestine, followed a Communion service held on Capitol grounds.

New York Catholic Workers bring new growth with rooftop garden 

(RNS) — Inspired by Pope Francis’ apostolic letter on ecology, a garden planned for the roof of the movement’s historic Maryhouse has attracted new attention to Dorothy Day’s Catholic service organization.

For Christians raised in ‘high-control’ settings, elections may trigger religious trauma

(RNS) — ‘Our bodies recognize that we’re being activated and pushed into trauma responses and that the same abusive techniques are being used on us,’ said author Tia Levings.

At Yale, Christian pastors sign a declaration opposing religious nationalism

(RNS) — The declaration commits Christian leaders to preaching on moral issues and rejecting a political movement it says is exploiting traditional values to undermine democracy.

RNS Opinion

New Vatican document combines modern transparency with eternal teaching

(RNS) — Pope Francis summons all people to defend human dignity in every moment of human existence.

How allowing abortion for secular reasons means allowing it for religious reasons

(RNS) — States’ abortion laws may not be ‘underinclusive.’


Catholic bishops silent as Ascension hospital system shrinks maternity care

(RNS) — The bishops have urged more support for mothers and families, even as Ascension, one of the largest Catholic health care providers in the US, has been closing labor and delivery units at its hospitals.

For Latino Muslims, Ramadan is a celebration of ‘Islam and Latinidad’

(RNS) — 'The beauty is that we're not expected to commit cultural apostasy when we convert to Islam.'

In Other News


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